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Nelipa D. 
Improving the quality of civil service management in Ukraine = Підвищення якості управління державною службою України / D. Nelipa, S. Rudenko, V. Teremko, S. Vnuchko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 2. - С. 143-147. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improving the quality policy of managing the civil service of Ukraine through the use of foreign experience in implementing the "Lean system". Methodology. In the study, the authors used general methods of scientific knowledge. In particular: a) empirical research methods: selection of factual material on reforming the civil service management of the UK and Ukraine, as well as establishing links between the accumulated research results; b) theoretical research methods: analysis and synthesis, modeling, rising from the abstract to the concrete, and others, which allowed the authors to identify one of the reasons for the ineffective reform of the civil service management of Ukraine. Findings. The authors briefly examined the history of the formation of the civil service management of Ukraine. It has been noted that the management quality policy in Ukraine was formulated only in the new Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service", which entered into force on May 1, 2016. However, according to results of monitoring of governance reforms conducted by the Agency for Legislative Initiatives in 2017, the quality of public administration remains low. The analysis allowed the authors to establish that one of the reasons for the poor quality of management is non-use of the "Lean system" in the quality management policy. The authors examined the features of lean management, as well as the experience of its implementation in the two largest central governmental departments (UK): the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) (the Department of Revenue and Customs). The results obtained allowed the authors to propose an advanced policy of the quality of civil service management in Ukraine based on the "Lean system". Originality. During the analysis of the process of reforming the management of the civil service of Ukraine, the authors found one of the reasons that reduced the quality of management. The authors proved that this reason is the lack of the principles of "lean management" or "Lean systems" in the quality management policy. To eliminate this cause, the authors proposed taking advantage of the Lean system implementation experience in managing the two largest central government departments in the UK: the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Practical value. The results of the study are intended to improve the quality policy of civil service management in Ukraine. The use of the "Lean system", as well as foreign experience in its implementation, will improve the quality of civil service management in Ukraine. The management quality policy based on the "Lean system" will eliminate the deficiencies identified as a result of monitoring public administration reforms and achieve the management quality that is not inferior in effectiveness to civil service management in the European Union.

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