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UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 4 : Report of the International Court of Justice : 1 August 2007 - 31 July 2008. - 2008. - iv, 55 p. - (ISSN 0251-8473)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 5 (Vol. 2) : Financial report and audited financial statements for the 12-month period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008: Report of the Board of Auditors. Vol. 2: United Nations peacekeeping operations. - 2009. - xiv, 244 p. - (ISSN 0257-0815)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official records: 63rd session [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 5E : Voluntary funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees: Audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 and Report of the Board of Auditors. - 2008. - viii, 119 p. - (ISSN 0257-0807)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 23 : Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples for 2008. - 2008. - v, 84 p. - (ISSN 0255-1217). - 0255-1217 прим.


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 17 : Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law: 41st session : 16 June - 3 July 2008. - 2008. - iv, 130 p. - (ISSN 0251-9127)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 9 : Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pesion Board: 55th session : 10-18 July 2008 / UNJSPF. - 2008. - viii, 167 p. - (ISSN 0252-1202)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 2 : Report of the Security Council : 1 August 2007 - 31 July 2008. - 2008. - ix, 270 p. - (ISSN 0082-8238)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 38 : Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : 40th session (14 January - 1 February 2008); 41st session (30 June - 18 July 2008). - 2008. - vii, 261 p.

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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 49 (Vol. 1) : Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its sixty-third session. Vol. 1: Resolutions : 16 September - 24 December 2008. - 2009. - 618 p. - (ISSN 0252-7014)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 44 : Report of the Committee against Torture : 39th session (5-23 November 2007); 40th session (28 April - 16 May 2008). - 2008. - v, 317 p.


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official records: 63rd session [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 26 : Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country. - 2008. - iii, 14 p. - (ISSN 0255-173X)

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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Supp. 27 : Report of the Conference on Disarmament: 2008 session. - New York : UN, 2008. - iii, 12 p. - (ISSN 0257-0645)

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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official records: 63rd session [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 35 : Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. - 2008. - iv, 24 p. - (ISSN 0255-2035)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 11 : Report of the Committee on Contributions: 68th session : 9-27 June 2008. - 2008. - v, 39 p. - (ISSN 0251-8430)

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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 30 : Report of the International Civil Service Commission for 2008. - 2008. - xvii, 75 p. - (ISSN 0251-9321)


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppд. 19 : Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and its Working Group: 2009 substantive session : 23 February - 20 March 2009. - 2009. - iii, 34 p.

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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official records: 63rd session [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 12A : Report of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: 58th session : 6-10 October 2008 / UNHCR. - 2008. - iii, 17 p.


Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 49, Vol. 2 : Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its sixty-third session. Vol. 2: Decisions : 16 September - 24 December 2008. - 2009. - 38 p. - (ISSN 0252-7014)


Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official records: 63rd [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Suppl. 54 : Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission: 2nd session : 7-9 and 11 April 2008. - 2008. - iii, 24 p.


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Зал публікацій ООН


UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York).

Official Records [Text] / UN. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York). - New York : UN, 2008- .
Supp. 3 : Report of the Economic and Social Council for 2008. - 2009. - v, 149 p. - (ISSN 0082-8203)


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Зал публікацій ООН

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