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Огурцов А. П. 
Законодательное обеспечение предупреждения и сокращения случаев безгражданства беженцев в Украине / А. П. Огурцов // Вісн. Маріуп. держ. ун-ту. Сер. Право. - 2014. - Вип. 7. - С. 95-102. - Библиогр.: 3 назв. - рус.

В статье осуществлен анализ законодательства Украины, направленного на предупреждение и сокращение случаев безгражданства беженцев, а также обоснованы предложения по его совершенствованию. Рассмотрены условия приобретения украинского гражданства беженцами, условия приёма в гражданство и условия восстановления в гражданстве Украины. Предложено внести соответствующие поправки в действующий закон Украины «О гражданстве Украины», которые будут направлены на обеспечение возможности приобретения гражданства Украины лицами, признанными беженцами в других странах и кто прибыл в Украину по уважительным причинам.

У статті здійснено аналіз законодавства України, спрямованого на попередження і скорочення випадків безгромадянства біженців, а також обгрунтовано пропозиції щодо його вдосконалення. Розглянуто умови придбання українського громадянства біженцями, умови прийому в громадянство та умови поновлення у громадянстві України. Запропоновано внести відповідні поправки до чинного закону України «Про громадянство України», які будуть спрямовані на забезпечення можливості набуття громадянства України особами, визнаними біженцями в інших країнах і хто прибув в Україну з поважних причин.

The article makes the analysis of the legislation of Ukraine directed on prevention and reduction of cases of statelessness of refugees as well as provides suggestions on its improvement. With liberalization of the migratory legislation of Ukraine thenumber of foreign citizens and stateless persons, whose considerable part was formed by refugees arriving to its territory, has sharply increased. One of those effective measures to ensure the integration of refugees in the host country is their acquisition of nationality. Some of the refugees who arrived in Ukraine were qualified in international law as stateless persons de jure, others as were qualified as stateless persons de facto. For Ukraine the problem of legislative providing of prevention and reduction of cases of statelessness of refugees arose after its declaration of independence and it still remains pressing. However, it is not paid enough attention to the research of legislative providing of prevention and reduction of statelessness of refugees, so the main objective of this article is implementation of the analysis of those legislative measures undertaken in Ukraine to resolve the specified problem. The law of Ukraine «On the Citizenship of Ukraine» as of January 18, 2001, has established real mechanisms of acquisition of the Ukrainian citizenship by refugees and their children. In the current version of the law the conditions to acquire the citizenship by refugees are significantly simplified. The conditions for restoration of the citizenship of Ukraine by refugees are simplified as well. Today the legislative measures aimed at reduction and prevention of statelessness of refugees are being consistently carried out by means of creating real mechanisms to acquire the Ukrainian citizenship by these persons. According to the author, it is expedient to make the corresponding amendments to the current law of Ukraine «On the Citizenship of Ukraine» that would be aimed at providing the possibility of acquisition of the Ukrainian citizenship by the persons, recognized as refugees in other countries and who arrived in Ukraine for good reasons.

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