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Women in the World Today [Electronic resource] / execut. ed. N. S. Namba ; Bureau of international information programs. - Washington : [s. n.], 2012. - 180 p. - (Global women’s issues)
Переклад назви: Жінки у сучасному світі


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

In September 1995, I joined representatives from 189 countries for the United Nations’ Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. That event still stands out as one of the great honors and highlights of my life. That 1995 historic gathering brought together people of all backgrounds and beliefs to voice our support for women’s rights and put women’s issues at the forefront of the global agenda. Together, we outlined a Plan of Action to improve the condition of women and girls worldwide. In the years since Beijing, advocates, activists and governments around the world have used that plan to advance opportunity and progress for women. The good news is that we have accomplished a great deal. More girls are enrolled in school, more women hold political office, and more laws exist to protect vulnerable populations. Unfortunately, we have a long way yet to go. Sometimes by custom, sometimes by law, millions of women worldwide are still denied their rights. They are excluded from public life in their societies, subjected to violence or barred from getting an education, taking a job or driving a car. This is morally wrong. It offends our basic sense of justice and fairness. But it is unacceptable for another reason too — because it keeps countries from making real progress in creating jobs, sparking economic growth and giving all their people an opportunity to create a better future. No country can advance when half its population is left behind. But when women are empowered to exercise their human rights and afforded equal opportunities, amazing things happen. The benefits don’t stop with an individual woman. They spread to entire communities and countries. Simply helping girls stay in school longer, for example, has a powerful effect. Birth rates drop. So does the number of young children who die. HIV infections, domestic violence and female cutting all decline. And, in nations divided by violent conflict, the chances for lasting peace go up when women are part of the solution. Women play important roles as peacekeepers, as they did in Northern Ireland and Liberia. In short, women around the world sustain families, build communities and knit the social fabric together. At the State Department, we believe elevating the status of women and girls in their societies is not only the right thing to do, it is also the smart thing to do. Women and girls are often a community’s greatest untapped resource, which makes investing in them a powerful and effective way to promote international development and our diplomatic agenda. (Hillary Rodham Clinton)

ґендерна рівність -- права людини -- Пекінська платформа


Сондерс, Фрэнсис Стонор.
ЦРУ и мир искусств [Електронний ресурс] : культурный фронт холодной войны / Фрэнсис Стонор Сондерс. - М. : Кучково поле, 2013. - 422 с. - (Реальная политика)


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Книга британской журналистки и режиссера-документалиста Фрэнсис Стонор Сондерс впервые представляет шокирующие свидетельства манипуляций ЦРУ в сфере культурной политики в годы холодной войны. На основе скрупулезно собранной архивной информации автор описывает деятельность ЦРУ по финансированию и координации левых интеллектуалов и деятелей культуры в Западной Европе и США с целью отдалить интеллигенцию от левых идей, склонить ее к борьбе против СССР и привить симпатию к "американскому пути". Созданный и курируемый ЦРУ Конгресс за свободу культуры с офисами в 35 странах являлся основным механизмом и платформой для этой работы, в которую были вовлечены такие известные писатели и философы, как Раймонд Арон, Андре Мальро, Артур Кестлер, Джордж Оруэлл и многие другие.

історія спецслужб -- геополітика -- холодна війна

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