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Gunn, A.
Essential Forensic Biology [Electronic resource] / A. Gunn. - 2nd. ed. - Chichester : Wiley & Sons, 2009. - 424 p.
Переклад назви: Основи судової біології


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  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Essential Forensic Biology is an introduction to the application of the science of biology in legal investigations. Focusing on the legal system in the UK, the book provides a detailed description of the decay process, and discusses the role of forensic indicators - human fluids and tissues, including blood cells, bloodstain pattern analysis, hair, teeth, bones and wounds. It also considers the role microorganisms, invertebrates and plants play within forensic investigations before considering future directions in forensic science. The book examines the study of forensic biology in cases of suspicious death, and also explores the organisms used in a range of legal investigations; from human and animal neglect to food spoilage, structural damage, the illegal collection/trade of protected species and bioterrorism. Essential Forensic Biology fills the gap for a resource, which provides information on the range of biological organisms; animals, plants and microbes used in forensic studies. An invaluable introductory text for all students taking forensic science courses, the book features a fully integrated website that covers forensic entomology with additional material and figures from the text to enhance student understanding.

біологія -- судова експертиза

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