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Тип видання: навчальний посібник   

Луць, Л. А.
Сучасні правові системи світу [Електронний ресурс] : навчальний посібник / Л. А. Луць. - Л. : Юридич. факультет ЛНУ ім. І. Франка, 2003. - 256 с.


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Рекомендовано до друку на засіданні кафедри теорії та історії держави і права юридичного факультету Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка (протокол № 11 від 3 лютого 2003р.).

право -- держава

Тип видання: довідник   

Правовые системы стран мира [Електронний ресурс] : энциклопедический справочник / отв. ред. А. Я. Сухарев. - 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М. : Норма, 2003. - 150 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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В третьем издании справочника содержатся сведения о правовых системах 194 государств мира (предыдущее издание охватывало 104 государства). Исследований такого масштаба в нашей стране до сих пор не издавалось. Читатель найдет здесь краткую характеристику конституционного (государственного) строя каждой страны, основных этапов становления современной системы права, законодательных актов и других источников по важнейшим отраслям права (гражданскому, торговому, трудовому, уголовному, процессуальному и др.), судебной системы. Для студентов и преподавателей юридических вузов и факультетов, работников внешнеэкономических предприятий и организаций и всех, кто интересуется правовыми проблемами зарубежных государств.

право -- юриспруденція -- законодавство

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Матвеев, Ю. Г.
Англо-американское деликтное право [Електронний ресурс] / Ю. Г. Матвеев. - М. : Юридическая литература, 1973. - 159 с.


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правопорушення -- злочин

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Al-Matroudi, A. H.
The Hanbali School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah [Electronic resource] : conflict or Conciliation / A. H. Al-Matroudi. - London : Routledge, 2006. - 282 p.
Переклад назви: Школи права Ханбалі і Ібн Таймія: конфлікт або примирення


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Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi, visiting professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, specialises in Islamic law, the Islamic Judicial system and Qur’anic Law. He has a specialist interest in Hanbali law and Ibn Taymiyyah. Recently published works include ‘The Hanbalī School of Law in the Light of Contemporary Western Studies’, ‘The Qur'an as a Source of Law: A Reassessment of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal's Use of the Qur'an as a Legal Source’, ‘Ibn Taymiyyah’s Evaluation of Istihsan in the Hanbali School of Law’, ‘Circumstantial Evidence and Legal Stratagems in Surat Yusuf’ and a study, annotation and translation of Ibn Taymiyyah’s treatise ‘Raf ‘ al-malam’


Тип видання: наукове видання   

Levinson, B.
Legal Revision and Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel [Electronic resource] / B. Levinson. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2008. - 206 p.
Переклад назви: Правові зміни і релігійне відродження в Стародавньому Ізраїлі


Географічні рубрики:

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This book examines the doctrine of transgenerational punishment found in the Decalogue-that is, the idea that God punishes sinners vicariously and extends the punishment due them to three or four generations of their progeny. Though it was "God-given" law, the unfairness of punishing innocent people merely for being the children or grandchildren of wrongdoers was clearly recognized in ancient Israel. A series of inner-biblical and post-biblical responses to the rule demonstrates that later writers were able to criticize, reject, and replace this problematic doctrine with the alternative notion of individual retribution. From this perspective, the formative canon is the source of its own renewal: it fosters critical reflection upon the textual tradition and sponsors intellectual freedom. To support further study, this book includes a valuable bibliographical essay on the distinctive approach of inner-biblical exegesis showing the contributions of European, Israeli, and North American scholars. An earlier version of the volume appeared in French as L′Herméneutique de l′innovation: Canon et exégèse dans l′Israël biblique. This new Cambridge release represents a major revision and expansion of the French edition, nearly doubling its length with extensive new content. Legal Revision and Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel opens new perspectives on current debates within the humanities about canonicity, textual authority, and authorship. Bernard M. Levinson holds the Berman Family Chair of Jewish Studies and Hebrew Bible at the University of Minnesota. His research focuses on biblical and cuneiform law, textual reinterpretation in the Second Temple period, and the relation of the Bible to Western intellectual history. His book Deuteronomy and the Hermeneutics of Legal Innovation (1997) won the 1999 Salo W. Baron Award for Best First Book in Literature and Thought from the American Academy for Jewish Research. He is also the author of "The Right Chorale" : Studies in Biblical Law and Interpretation (2008), and editor or coeditor of four volumes, most recently, The Pentateuch as Torah: New Models for Understanding Its Promulgation and Acceptance (2007). The interdisciplinary significance of his work has been recognized with appointments to the Institute for Advanced Study (1997); the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin/Berlin Institute for Advanced Study (2007); and, most recently, the National Humanities Center, where he will serve as the Henry Luce Senior Fellow in Religious Studies for the 2010-2011 academic year.

історія -- закон -- релігія

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Austin, R. D.
Navajo courts and Navajo common law: a tradition of tribal self-governance [Electronic resource] / R. D. Austin. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2009. - 268 p.
Переклад назви: Суди загальне право Навахо: традиція племінного самоврядування

Географічні рубрики:

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The Navajo Nation court system is the largest and most established tribal legal system in the world. Since the landmark 1959 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Williams v. Lee that affirmed tribal court authority over reservation-based claims, the Navajo Nation has been at the vanguard of a far-reaching, transformative jurisprudential movement among Indian tribes in North America and indigenous peoples around the world to retrieve and use traditional values to address contemporary legal issues. A justice on the Navajo Nation Supreme Court for sixteen years, Justice Raymond D. Austin has been deeply involved in the movement to develop tribal courts and tribal law as effective means of modern self-government. He has written foundational opinions that have established Navajo common law and, throughout his legal career, has recognized the benefit of tribal customs and traditions as tools of restorative justice. In Navajo Courts and Navajo Common Law, Justice Austin considers the history and implications of how the Navajo Nation courts apply foundational Navajo doctrines to modern legal issues. He explains key Navajo foundational concepts like Hózhó (harmony), K'é (peacefulness and solidarity), and K'éí (kinship) both within the Navajo cultural context and, using the case method of legal analysis, as they are adapted and applied by Navajo judges in virtually every important area of legal life in the tribe. In addition to detailed case studies, Justice Austin provides a broad view of tribal law, documenting the development of tribal courts as important institutions of indigenous self-governance and outlining how other indigenous peoples, both in North America and elsewhere around the world, can draw on traditional precepts to achieve self-determination and self-government, solve community problems, and control their own futures.

індійська резервація -- автохтонне населення

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Берман, Г. Д.
Западная традиция права [Електронний ресурс] : эпоха формирования : пер. с англ. / Г. Д. Берман. - 2-е изд. - М. : Инфра-М - Норма, 1998. - 624 с.


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В книге дана чрезвычайно интересная, нетрадиционная картина возникновения правовых понятий и правовых учреждений Нового времени, корни которых уходят на девять веков назад, в Папскую революцию. Именно тогда западная церковь отстояла свое политическое, правовое единство и свою независимость от императоров, королей и феодалов. Используя оригинальный подход, автор показывает, как в результате этого переворота родилось западное представление об интегрированных правовых системах, которые сознательно развиваются на протяжении веков и поколений.

канонічне право -- Папська революція -- правова система

Тип видання: зб. статей   

The power and freedom in the structure of global trends of development of economical and legal systems and management techniques [Electronic resource] : peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the LXXXVI International Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences (London, July 24 – July 29, 2014) / International Academy of Science and Higher Education ; chief editor V. V. Pavlov. - London : [s. n.], 2014. - 88 p.
Переклад назви: Влада і свобода у структурі глобальних трендів розвитку економічної та правничої систем і механізмів управління


Географічні рубрики:

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This digest includes reports, presented on the LXXXVI International Research and Practice Conference "The power and freedom in the structure of global trends of development of economical and legal systems and management techniques" and on the II stage of research analytics championships of various levels in Economics, Management, Law, Sociology, Political and Military science.

світова економіка -- юриспруденція -- соціологія -- менеджмент

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