Demenko, Vladislav Fedorovych.
Examples and problems in mechanics of materials. Stress-strain state at a point of elastic deformable solid [Text] / Vladislav Demenko ; ed-in-chief Yakiv Karpov ; Inst. of innovations and contents of education, National aerospace univ. "Kharkiv aviation institute". - Kharkiv : NAU "Kharkiv aviation institute", 2010. - 291 p. : fig. - (Engineering education). - Бібліогр.: с. 291 . - 100 прим. - ISBN 978-966-662-208-5

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Тематичні рубрики:

Дод. точки доступу:
Karpov, Yakiv (ред.); Деменко, Владислав Федорович; Institute of innovations and contents of education; "Kharkiv aviation institute", national aerospace university

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