MINI conference on vehicle system dynamics, identification and anomalies (16 ; 2018 ; Budapest).
Proceedings of the 16th MINI conference on vehicle system dynamics, identification and anomalies, held at the Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, Budapest, 5-7 November, 2018 [Text] / ed. by Prof. I. Zobory ; Budapest Univ. of Technology a. Economics, Fac. of Transportation Engineering a. Vehicle Engineering. - Budapest : Budapest Univ. of Technology a. Economics, 2019. - 575 p. : fig., tab. - Назва на корінці : Proceedings of VSDIA 2018. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - ISBN 978-963-313-315-6

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Zobory, István (ред.); Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest). Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering

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