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New directions for agriculture, forestry and fisheries [Text] / FAO. - Rome : FAO, 1994. - 64 p. - (Strategies for sustainable agriculture and rural development). - ISBN 92-5-103586-5
SARD (Sustainable agriculture and rural development)

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Mangatalle, Daniele.
Coastal State requirements for foreign fishing [Text] / D. Mangatalle ; FAO. - Rome : FAO, 1996. - 273 p. - (FAO Legislative Study ; 57). - ISBN 92-5-103802-3

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FAO. Expert Consultation on Small-Scale Rural Aquaculture (1996 ; Rome).
Report of the Expert Consultation on Small-Scale Rural Aquaculture [Text] : 28-31 May 1996, Rome, Italy / comp. M. Martinez-Espinosa. - Rome : FAO, 1997. - viii, 182 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 548). - ISBN 92-5-103929-1

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Martinez-Espinosa, Manuel (comp.)

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Зал публікацій ООН

FAO. Working Party on Fisheries Economics and Statistics. Session (2 ; 1998 ; Rome).
Report of the second session of the Working Party on Fisheries Economics and Statistics [Text] = Rapport de la deuxieme session du Groupe de travail sur l'economie et les statistiques des peches = Informe de la trabajo sobre economia y estadisticas de pesca : 2-5 March 1998, Rome / General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. - Rome : FAO, 1998. - ix, 65 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 579). - ISBN 92-5-004197-7
International Year of the Ocean 98

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General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

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Townsley, Phillip.
Social issues in fisheries [Text] / P. Townsley. - Rome : FAO, 1998. - vi, 93 p. - (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper , ISSN 0429-9345 ; 375). - ISBN 92-5-104143-1
International Year of the Ocean 1998

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Seijo, J. C..
Fisheries bioeconomics [Text] : theory, modelling and management / J. C. Seijo [etc.]. - Rome : FAO, 1998. - xiv, 108 p. - (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper , ISSN 0429-9345 ; 368). - ISBN 92-5-104045-1

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Defeo, O.; Salas, S.

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FAO. Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Indicators and Criteria of Sustainable Shrimp Culture (1998 ; Rome).
Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Indicators and Criteria of Sustainable Shrimp Culture [Text] = Rapport de la reunion ad hoc d'experts sur les indicateurs et criteres relatifs a l'elevage durable des crevettes = Informe de la reunion especial de expertos tecnicos sobre indicadores y criterios para el cultivo sostenible del camaron : 28-30 April 1998, Rome, Italy / FAO. Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Indicators and Criteria of Sustainable Shrimp Culture (1998 ; Rome) . - Rome : FAO, 1998. - x, 76 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 582). - ISBN 92-5-004228-0
International Year of the Ocean 98

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FAO. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Extraordinary Session (1999 ; Alicante).
Report of the Extraordinary session [Text] = Rapport de la Session extraordinaire : 7-9 July 1999, Alicante, Spain / FAO. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Extraordinary Session (1999 ; Alicante) . - Rome : FAO, 1999. - vi, 32 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 607). - ISBN 92-5-004354-6

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Papers presented at the Bangkok FAO Technical Consultation on Policies for Sustainable Shrimp Culture [Text] = Documentos presentados a la Consulta Tecnica FAO/Bangkok sobre Politicas para el Cultivo Sostenible del Camaron : 8-11 December 1997, Bangkok, Thailand / FAO. - Rome : FAO, 1999. - vii, 26 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 572). - ISBN 92-5-004348-1

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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2000 [Text] / FAO Fisheries Department. - Rome : FAO, 2000. - xvi, 144 p. - (ISSN 1020-5489). - ISBN 92-5-104492-9

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FAO Fisheries Department

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Use of property rights in fisheries management [Text] : proceedings of the FishRights99 Conference : 11-19 November 1999, Fremantle, Western Australia, Workshop presentations / ed. R. Shotton. - Rome : FAO, 2000. - x, 468 p. - (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper , ISSN 0429-9345 ; 404/2). - ISBN 92-5-104452-X

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Shotton, Ross (ed.)

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Use of property rights in fisheries management [Text] : proceedings of the FishRights99 Conference : 11-19 November 1999, Fremantle, Western Australia, Mini-course lectures and Core Conference presentations / ed. R. Shotton. - Rome : FAO, 2000. - xi, 342 p. - (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper , ISSN 0429-9345 ; 404/1). - ISBN 92-5-104452-X

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Shotton, Ross (ed.)

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FAO. Expert Consultation on the Proposed Sub-committee on Aquaculture of the Committee on Fisheries (2000 ; Bangkok).
Report of the Expert Consultation on the Proposed Sub-committee on Aquaculture of the Committee on Fisheries [Text] : 28-29 February 2000, Bangkok, Thailand / FAO. Expert Consultation on the Proposed Sub-committee on Aquaculture of the Committee on Fisheries (2000 ; Bangkok) . - Rome : FAO, 2000. - v, 36 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 623). - ISBN 92-5-104449-X

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Report of the Technical Consultation on the Suitability of the CITES Criteria for Listing Commercially Exploited Aquatic Species [Text] = Rapport de la Consultation technique sur la pertinence des criteres d'etablissement de la liste des especes aquatiques faisant l'objet d'une exploitation commerciale au titre de la CITES = Informe de la Consulta tecnica sobre la idoneidad de los criterios de la CITES para la lista de especies acuaticas explotadas comercialmente : 28-30 June 2000, Rome / FAO. - Rome : FAO, 2000. - viii, 56 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 629). - ISBN 92-5-004517-4

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FAO. Expert Consultation on Good Management Practices and Good Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Sustainable Shrimp Culture (2000 ; Brisbane).
Report of the FAO / Government of Australia Expert Consultation on Good Management Practices and Good Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Sustainable Shrimp Culture [Text] : 4-7 December 2000, Brisbane, Australia / FAO. Expert Consultation on Good Management Practices and Good Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Sustainable Shrimp Culture (2000 ; Brisbane) . - Rome : FAO, 2001. - v, 70 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 659). - ISBN 92-5-104730-8

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FAO/45(2)/Vol. 9A
Codex Alimentarius [Text] / Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programm, Codex Alimentarius Commission. - Rome : FAO : WHO2000. - ISSN 0259-2916.
Vol. 9A : Fish and fishery products. - 2001. - viii, 140 p. - ISBN 92-5-104660-3

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Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programm; Codex Alimentarius Commission

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Cunningham, Steve.
Managing fishing capacity [Text] : A review of policy and technical issues / S. Cunningham, D. Gréboval. - Rome : FAO, 2001. - vi, 60 p. - (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper , ISSN 0429-9345 ; 409). - ISBN 92-5-104584-4

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Gréboval, Dominique

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Petursdottir, Gudrun.
Safety at sea as an integral part of fisheries management [Text] / G. Petursdottir [etc.]. - Rome : FAO, 2001. - viii, 39 p. - (FAO Fisheries Circular , ISSN 0429-9329 ; 966)

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Hannibalsson, Olafur; Turner, Jeremy M. M.

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Report of the Second Intergovernmental Consultation on the Establishment of a Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission [Text] = Rapport de la deuxieme Consultation intergouvernementale sur la creation d'une Commission des peches pour le sud-ouest de l'ocean Indien : 25-28 September 2001, Antananarivo, Madagascar / FAO. - Rome : FAO, 2002. - vi, 77 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 664). - ISBN 92-5-004856-4

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FAO. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.
Report of the fifth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee [Text] = Rapport de la cinquieme session du Comite scientifique consultatif : 1-4 July 2002, Rome / FAO, General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. - Rome : FAO, 2002. - vi, 100 p. - (FAO Fisheries Report , ISSN 0429-9337 ; 684). - ISBN 92-5-004834-3

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