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Пошуковий запит: (<.>TJ=Plant Introduction<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 40
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Bondarchuk O. Accumulation of ash and photosynthetic pigments in the raw material of Astragalus // Plant Introduction. - 2020. - № 87/88.

Kovalenko O. Allium ursinum L. (Amaryllidaceae) - a new species for the flora of National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi" (Poltava oblast, Ukraine) // Plant Introduction. - 2022. - № 95/96.

Andrushchenko O. Antioxidant capacity of Cosmos sulphureus plants grown in the temperate climate // Plant Introduction. - 2022. - № 93/94.

Nedukha O. Appearance of phenotypic plasticity of leaves in psammophyte Corynephorus canescens during flooding // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 91/92.

Vakulenko T. Carpological features of certain Artemisia species distributed in Ukraine // Plant Introduction. - 2020. - № 87/88.

Shynder O. Checklist of the flora of the vicinity of Balakliya (Kharkiv region, Ukraine): native and alien taxa, distribution of rare plants, new findings // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 89/90.

Tekdal D. Comparison of reproductive organs structure in various genotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris grown under the same conditions in Mersin, Turkey // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 91/92.

Hryhorenko A. Dendroflora of the Nataliivskyi Park (Kharkiv region, Ukraine): taxonomic diversity and monitoring of plantations // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 89/90.

Venediktova T. Diagnostic significance of the synthesis of phenolic compounds and proline in the leaves of Schisandra chinensis and Actinidia arguta for the indication of the stress levels of plants under conditions of mixed plantings // Plant Introduction. - 2022. - № 93/94.

Kuzemko A. Distribution of species of the genus Stipa in Ukraine according to phytosociological databases // Plant Introduction. - 2020. - № 87/88.

Gnatiuk A. Distribution of Тrifolium rubens in Ukraine and the current state of its populations in Zakarpattia // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 89/90.

Zaimenko N. Effect of analcite on cadmium phytoavailability and phytotoxity // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 91/92.

Pleskach L. Epiphytic bryophytes of the State Dendrological Park "Olexandria" of the NAS of Ukraine // Plant Introduction. - 2020. - № 87/88.

Matiashuk R. Essay on the prospects for the use of decorative perennials of the spontaneous flora of the local landscape Feofaniya // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 91/92.

Gritsenko V. Flora of the botanical-geographical plot "Steppes of Ukraine" in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine // Plant Introduction. - 2022. - № 95/96.

Shynder O. Flora of the phytogeographical plot "Central Asia" in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine // Plant Introduction. - 2022. - № 95/96.

Mikeladze I. Floristic characteristics of some synanthropic plant communities of the Kobuleti lowland (Adjara, Georgia) // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 91/92.

Gritsenko V. Formation of the introduced coenopopulation of Crocus reticulatus on the botanical-geographical plot "Steppes of Ukraine" at the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine // Plant Introduction. - 2020. - № 87/88.

Shawuti Sh. Green synthesis and characterization of silver and iron nanoparticles using Nerium oleander extracts and their antibacterial and anticancer activities // Plant Introduction. - 2021. - № 91/92.

Qiang Niu Hypoglycemic effect of polysaccharides isolated from shoots of Actinidia arguta // Plant Introduction. - 2022. - № 95/96.
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