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Lazarenko P. I. 
Influence of the Composition on the Thermoelectric and Electro-physical Properties of Ge-Sb-Te Thin Films for Phase Change Memory Application [Електронний ресурс] / P. I. Lazarenko, A. A. Sherchenkov, S. A. Kozyukhin, D. Y. Terekhov, A. O. Yakubov, A. V. Babich, A. S. Shuliatyev, I. V. Sagunova, E. N. Redichev // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики. - 2016. - Т. 8, № 3. - С. 03033-1-03033-4. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/jnef_2016_8_3_35
Influence of the composition variation along the quasi-binary line GeTe - Sb2Te3 on the thermoelectric and electro-physical properties of thin films was investigated. GST amorphous thin films have high See-beck coefficients, which drops nearly on the order of magnitude after the crystallization. Temperature dependences of the resistivities were studied, and it was determined that crystallization temperature increases with moving along the quasi-binary line GeTe - Sb2Te3 from GeSb4Te7 to GeSb2Te4, and then to Ge2Sb2Te2, while the phase transition temperature range decreases. Current-voltage characteristics of amorphous thin films haw three voltage ranges with different dependencies due to the different mechanisms of charge carrier transport.
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