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Порівняльна професійна педагогіка
: наук. журн..- Київ-Хмельницький

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Avshenyuk N. USA Education Policy in Transnationalization Of Higher Education. - C. 7-12.
  4. Sushchenko L., Bazylchuk O. Comparative Analysis of Professional Training of Fututre Specialists in Physical Therapy in Higher Educational Establishments of Ukraine and Europe. - C. 13-19.
  5. Tymkiv N. Curricula and Programmes in Petroleum Engineering for Higher Technical Education Institutions: Comparative Analysis. - C. 20-26.
  6. Manyuk L., Kuchumova N. Undergraduate Medical Communication Training by Means of Information and Communication Technologies in the USA and Ukraine. - C. 27-32.
  7. Trynus O. Influence of Western European Pedagogical Trends on Development of Young Teacher’s Pedagogical Mastery in the Late 19th – the Early 20th Centuries. - C. 33-39.
  8. Szurowska B., Czajkowska M. Important аspects of Testing Knowledge and Skills Of Third Grade Students in Light of Omnibus Survey: Polish Experience. - C. 40-53.
  9. Kuruliszwili S. The Change of Perception, Reception and the Source Of Information among Generations Born in the 1990s through the Prism of Foreign Scholars’ Views. - C. 54-61.
  10. Pérez-Jiménez P. Cooperative Learning a Current Snapshot: before, during and after Implementation. - C. 62-68.
  11. Fursenko T. Peculiar Features of Attaining the CERA Designation in Canada. - C. 69-74.
  12. Bajpai Sh., Kidwai N. R. Government’s Effort in Controling Engineering Education in India. - C. 75-83.
  13. Srivastava A., Bajpai Sh., Khare S. Current Scenario of Ceramic Engineering Education in India. - C. 84-88.
  14. Azodo A. P. Relatedness of Students’ Work Industrial Experience to the Professional Skills and Competence Development in Engineering Career at Nigerian Universities. - C. 89-95.
  15. Тринус O. Вплив західноєвропейських педагогічних течій Кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століття на розвиток педагогічної майстерності молодого вчителя. - C. 96-102.
  16. Правила оформлення і подання рукописів. - C. 103-115.
№ 8(1)

Порівняльна професійна педагогіка
: наук. журн..- Київ-Хмельницький

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Bidyuk N., Oleskova H. Current Status and Prospects for Development of Nursing Professions in Germany. - C. 7-14.
  4. Lukianova L. Demand and Supply Analysis of Adult Education Services in Ukraine in the Context of Foreign Scholars’ Views. - C. 15-22.
  5. Tovkanets H. Lifelong Learning in Enhancing Professional Teacher Training in the European Countries. - C. 23-27.
  6. Grynova M., Kalinichenko I. Trends in Inclusive Education in the USA and Canada. - C. 28-34.
  7. Szafrańska K. Life Goals of Young People at Risk of Social Exclusion in Poland. - C. 35-42.
  8. Sidorov V. Individual Aspects in Professional Training of Tourism Specialists in the UK. - C. 43-50.
  9. Mirowska M. Potential within Student Support Framework in Educational Space of Polish and Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions. - C. 51-57.
  10. Movchan L. Developing Professional Identity of Economics Students through Foreign Language Learning in Ukraine and Abroad. - C. 58-66.
  11. Sysko N. Professional Development of Teachers under the Conditions Lifelong Learning: Foreign Experience. - C. 67-75.
  12. Ikonnikova M. Professional Training of Foreign Language Teachers in the USA: Based on the Experience of Lewis University. - C. 76-82.
  13. Bhinder N. Modernization of Professional Training of Future Border Guard Officers in Ukraine on the Basis of Experience of Indian Border Agencies. - C. 83-89.
  14. Sheludko I., Bondarenko M. Professional Education Management: Comparative Analysis of Ukraine and European Countries’ Experience. - C. 90-94.
  15. Tron T. Specifics of Future Border Protection Specialists’ Training in the USA and Ukraine: Comparative Analysis. - C. 95-100.
  16. Özkara A. B. Physical Education in EU Schools and Turkey: a Comparative Study. - C. 101-106.
  17. Morgan B. M., Bussert-Webb K., Masso H. Latino Undergraduate Perspectives on Traditional and Collaborative Culminating Presentations. - C. 107-121.
  18. Maslova T. Governmental and Non-Governmental Forms of Teacher Development Organization in Poland. - C. 122-127.
  19. Shtepura A. The Impact of Digital Technology on Digital Natives’ Learning: American Outlook. - C. 128-133.
  20. Mykyteychuk K. The School Education System Reforms in Modern Poland. - C. 134-142.
  21. Horetko T. Trends in Professional Training of IT Managers in the Global Educational Space. - C. 143-147.
  22. Baranova L. International Educational Trends in Cross-Cultural Training. - C. 148-152.
  23. Okhrei V. Enhancement of Qualitative Pharmacists’ Training: Canadian Experience. - C. 153-159.
  24. Barbinov V. Vocational Training of Future Agricultural Specialists: European Experience. - C. 160-165.
  25. Бідюк Н., Олеськова Г. Сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку професій сестринського персоналу Німеччини. - C. 166-174.
  26. Гриньова М., Калініченко І. Тенденції розвитку інклюзивної освіти в США та Канаді. - C. 175-181.
  27. Маслова Т. Державні та недержавні форми організації системи вдосконалення вчителів у Польщі. - C. 182-188.
  28. Горетько Т. Тенденції професійної підготовки IT-менеджерів у світовому освітньому просторі. - C. 189-194.
  29. Nychkalo N. Review on the Monograph "Professional Training of Civil Servants: Theory, Methodology, Practice” by Kostiantyn Vashchenko. - C. 195-198.
  30. Ничкало Н. Рецензія на монографію Костянтина Ващенко "Професійна підготовка державних службовців: теорія, методологія, практика". - C. 199-203.
  31. Правила оформлення і подання рукописів (оновлені відповідно до міжнародних вимог). - C. 204-216.
№ 8(2)

Порівняльна професійна педагогіка
: наук. журн..- Київ-Хмельницький

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Sadovets O., Bidyuk N. Standards of Foreign Language teachers` Professional Training: Prospects and Foreign Experience. - C. 7-19.
  4. Androshchuk I., Androshchuk I. Specificity of Students` Technological Training in Finland and Great Britain. - C. 20-19.
  5. Tymkiv N. Forming Competence of Social Responsibility in Vocational Training of Future Petroleum Engineers (Based on Foreign Scholars` Views). - C. 26-30.
  6. Kyslenko D. Modern Comparative Analysis on Training of Future Security and Safety Specialists in Ukraine and the USA. - C. 31-36.
  7. Honcharuk V., Hnatiuk N., Zadorozhna O. Ecological Training of Future Natural Sciences Teachers in Higher Education Institutions Abroad. - C. 37-43.
  8. Pliushch V. Concepts of Teacher Education Development in Europe. - C. 44-48.
  9. Shala A., Baliqi B. Leadership Damong Universities in Kosovo: Challenges and Alternatives. - C. 49-56.
  10. Iyevlyev O. Professional Pedagogical Mobility of Educators in the European Context. - C. 57-63.
  11. Azodo A. P., Ismaila S. O., Adejuyigbe S. B. Analysis of Occupational Exposure Incident among Engineering Students during Industrial Training in Nigeria. - C. 64-71.
  12. Khan F. Y., Bajpai Sh. Electrical Engineering Education in India: Past, Present & Future. - C. 75-81.
  13. Khan F. Y., Srivastava A. R., Bajpai Sh., Kidwai N. R. Microwave Engineering as Part of Undergraduate Curriculum for Electronics Engineering and as a Specialization Discipline for Postgraduate Studies in India. - C. 82-91.
  14. Samko A. Ukrainian and Foreign Experience in Applying Biographical Method to Study Prominent Figures in Pedagogy. - C. 92-98.
  15. Правила оформлення і подання рукописів. - C. 99-111.
№ 8(3)

Порівняльна професійна педагогіка
: наук. журн..- Київ-Хмельницький

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Horokhivska T. Developing Professional Pedagogical Competency Of Lecturers in the Leading EU Countries. - C. 7-13.
  4. Pliushch V. Developing Metacognitive Strategies of Future Teachers in the French System of Higher Education. - C. 14-19.
  5. Balendr A. Current status and prospects for the quality assurance in Border Guards Training: European Experience. - C. 20-25.
  6. Nahorna O. Open Book Exam as Assessment Method at Master Degree Programmes in International Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Foreign Experience. - C. 26-30.
  7. Özkara A. B. Comparative Research on Inclusive Education in England, Germany, France and Turkey from the Perspective of Physical Activity. - C. 31-38.
  8. Bidyuk D. Professional Training of Choreography Students in European Universities. - C. 39-46.
  9. Romaniuk I. Training Social Educators to Organize Cultural and Leisure Activities: British and Ukrainian Experience. - C. 47-53.
  10. Isaieva I. Police Training in The System of Professional Training for Federal Police Force in Germany. - C. 54-59.
  11. Yakovyshena L. Professional Training of Medical Specialists: International Experience. - C. 60-64.
  12. Malysheva M. Professional Training of Hospitality Specialists in Turkish and Ukrainian Vocational Schools. - C. 65-70.
  13. Ovcharuk V. Health, Health Preservation and Health-Preserving Competency in the Context of Ukrainian and Foreign Scholars’ Views. - C. 71-78.
  14. Moshenets O. Professional Training of International Communication Specialists: the Example of Coventry University. - C. 79-84.
  15. Kolomiiets B. The Roots of Independent Study in the USA. - C. 85-91.
  16. Яковишена Л. Професійна підготовка фахівців з медичною освітою: зарубіжний досвід. - C. 92-97.
  17. Овчарук В. Здоров’я, здоров’язбереження та здоров’язберігаюча компетентність у контексті поглядів вітчизняних та зарубіжних вчених. - C. 98-105.
  18. Правила оформлення і подання рукописів. - C. 106-118.
№ 8(4)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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