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Velychko O. 
Relation of the level of the water in boreholes with influence of the ionosphere dynamics on results of remote comparison of standards of time [Електронний ресурс] / O. Velychko, S. Shcherbyna, M. Holovnia, P. Pigulevskiy // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 37-45. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2016_4_7
Purpose. Increasing the accuracy and efficiency of satellite verification of time scales, which depends on the influence of the flow of solar plasma on the dynamics of the Earth ionosphere, by mathematical correction of results of fixing time metrology parameters with GPS. Methodology. To resolve this problem, the following methods are offered: low-pass filtering of time series data with GPS in a range of fundamental frequencies of these oscillations of satellite data, linear regression, which removes the slope with GPS values, integration which allows smoothing relatively high frequency oscillations of the data with GPS, differentiation, which can help to set the stochastic properties of the data with GPS data more accurately to calculate the relationship with time shift, which is the main on its own results for the solution of this problem. Findings. One of the methods for controlling the metrological synchronism of time scales is based on the use of electromagnetic signals sent from satellites. Spreading through the atmospheric envelope of the Earth, the satellite signals are exposed to radio waves from the ionosphere particle, which manifests itself most noticeably in the ionospheric delay. Studies of oscillations of travel time of radio waves from space satellite to GPS receivers (RNSS: GPS / GLONASS / EGNOS) showed that the frequency of their changes over time depends on the plasma flows from the Sun and the Earth's magnetic field, which reaches a maximum value in the conventional "noon", that is at the time when the relative distance between relative position of the sun and the observation point on the Earth reaches a minimum. These low values of correlation coefficients have also showed that there is no relationship between the gravitational field of the Earth and wave dynamics time. The most important result of the research is to determine the optimal method of correction of metrology process time built through the use of the calculations of mutual relations of GPS time series. Originality. To eliminate a process of satellite-time system oscillations four different methods are suggested including linear regression, integration, differentiation and calculation of this relationship with time shift. The results of the comparative analysis of these methods allowed choosing the most appropriate method for calculating the relative ratio of the GPS data, completely removing the effect of extra time for metrology outer shell of the Earth's ionosphere. Very low values of the calculated correlation coefficients showed the lack of a clear link between the gravitational field of the Earth and the dynamics of these waves on the GPS receivers. Practical value. Properties of the most efficient and high-quality method to eliminate in time change the oscillation travel time of radio waves from space satellite to the GPS depending on the plasma flows from the sun and the influence of Earth's magnetic field, which is the result of calculating the relative ratio of the values for different time intervals, allow using it as the best and the most correct method for time metrology system in Ukraine, where it is possible to use any single frequency GPS which is rather cheap.
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