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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж100157/2018/12/1<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Харчова наука і технологія
: наук.-вироб. журн..- Одеса
Kharchova nauka i tekhnolohiya

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Mardar M., Khrupalo M., Stateva M. The marketing research of military service people’s consumer preferences of dry product packages and ways of their improvement. - C. 3-9.
  4. Kapustian A., Cherno N., Kolomiіets I. Obtaining and characteristic of muropeptides of probiotic cultures cell walls. - C. 10-17.
  5. Tkachenko N., Nazarenko Ju., Dets N., Izbash E., Klymentieva I. Starter cultures compositions with probiotics for fermented milk products and cosmetics. - C. 18-28.
  6. Ali Aberoumand, Saeed Ziaei nejad, Frideh Baesi, Zahrah Kolyaee Comparative studies of the effect of freezing on the physi-cochemical properties of the fillets of two fish species in Іran. - C. 29-33.
  7. Bilenka I., Golinskaya Ya., Dzyuba N., Yu. Martirosian H. Effect of pre-treatment on qualitative indices of white roots. - C. 34-42.
  8. Sagdeeva О., Krusir G., Tsykalo A., Shpyrко Т., Leuenberger H. Composting of organic waste with the use of mineral additives. - C. 43-49.
  9. Cherevko O., Mykhaylov V., Zahorulko A., Zahorulko A., Borysova A. Color characteristics of dried three-component fruit and berry pastes. - C. 50-54.
  10. Benderska О., Bessarab А., Shutyuk V. Study of the use of edible powders in tomato sauce technologies. - C. 55-60.
  11. Kordzaia N., Yegorov B. Food markets and food security: scientific basis of formation. - C. 61-67.
  12. Kovalenko О., Novoseltseva V., Kovalenko N. Biosorbents – prospective materials for heavy metal ions extraction from wastewater. - C. 68-74.
  13. Penkina N., Tatar L., Оdаrchеnco А., Demchenko V. Basic ingredients and their analysis during the formation of beer quality. - C. 75-81.
  14. Shmatchenko N., Artamonova M., Aksonova O., Oliinyk S. Investigation of the properties of marmalade with plant cryoadditives during storage. - C. 82-89.
  15. Bondar S., Chabanova O., Sharakhmatova T., Trubnikova A. Analysis of a new diafiltration method of cleaning buttermilk from lactose with mineral composition preserved. - C. 90-98.
  16. Shevchenko A., Sokolenko A., Stepanets O., Bilyk O. Mass transfer in fermentation processes. - C. 99-103.
Т. 12
Вип. 1
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