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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Харчова наука і технологія
: наук.-вироб. журн..- Одеса
Kharchova nauka i tekhnolohiya

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Biological processes, biotechnology of food products, BAS

  4. Kovalchuk S., Dolomakin Y. Optimisation of technological parameters of fermentation of highly concentrated wort from grain raw materials for bioethanol production. - C. 4-14.
  5. Chemistry of food products and materials. New raw materials

  6. Goranova Z., Manev Z. Investigation of the effect of apple pomace on the textural characteristics, fibre content, and moisture content of sponge cakes. - C. 15-21.
  7. Gorlachova О., Gorbachova S., Kobyzeva L., Suprun О., Ilchenko N., Sheliakina T. Biochemical composition of millet grain and its changes during storage. - C. 22-31.
  8. Mykhonik L., Hetman І., Naumenko О. Effect of structure-forming agents and spontaneously fermented buckwheat sourdough on the quality of gluten-free bread. - C. 32-39.
  9. Palamarchuk D., Kozachenko M., Sviatchenko S. Indicators of the quality of rice grain and groats depending on the genotype of cultivars. - C. 40-45.
  10. Foshchan A., Yevlash V., Potapov V. Mathematical modeling of the strength of heterogeneous gel forming systems based on gelling agents of polysaccharide and protein origins. - C. 46-54.
  11. Cheliabiieva V., Buialska N., Denysova N. Using an extract from apple by-products in the technology of boiled sweets. - C. 55-62.
  12. Technology and safety of food products

  13. Danchuk V., Midyk S., Danchuk O., Levchenko А., Korniyenko V., Ushkalov V. Fatty acids of milk and the intensity of S. aureus secretion in cows with subclinical mastitis in the steppe of Ukraine. - C. 63-70.
  14. Kolesnyk V., Penkina N., Polupan V., Sorokina S., Odarchenko D., Penkin A. Investigation of the effectiveness of using whey powder to reduce the toxicity of the water/alcohol mixture. - C. 71-77.
  15. Mardar M., Solonytska I., Pambuk S. Development of a new kind of bread produced by the deferred baking technology on the basis of modern methods of quality management. - C. 78-86.
  16. Nykyforov V., Novokhatko O., Digtiar S., Sakun O., Tikhonova A. Toxicological assessment of food additives bybioassay. - C. 87-93.
Т. 16
Вип. 2
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