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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж100487/2021/4<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Marketing and Management of Innovations
: sci. j..- Sumy
Marketing ì menedžment ìnnovacìj

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Davidaviciene V., Raudeliuniene J., Jonyte-Zemlickiene A., Tvaronaviciene M. Factors affecting customer buying behavior in online shopping. - C. 11-19.
  4. Letunovska N., Yashkina O., Saher L., Alkhashrami F. A., Nikitin Yu. Analysis of the Model of Consumer Behavior in the Healthy Products Segment as a Perspective for the Inclusive Marketing Development. - C. 20-35.
  5. Zadorozhnyi Z.-M., Muravskyi V., Shevchuk O., Bryk M. Innovative Accounting Methodology of Ensuring the Interaction of Economic and Cybersecurity of Enterprises. - C. 36-46.
  6. Coculova J., Tomcikova L. Innovative Human Resource Management Practices for the Talent Management Implementation. - C. 47-54.
  7. Bencsik A., Csinger B. Innovations in Human Resources Management of Higher Education Institutions: Technostress Factors. - C. 55-67.
  8. Albliwi S., Alsolami L. A. Willingness to Use E-Commerce During Coronavirus Pandemic in Saudi Arabia. - C. 68-78.
  9. Huseynov A., Huseynov E., Samusevych Ya. Innovative Development of Oil & Gas Industry: Role of Environmental Taxation. - C. 79-91.
  10. Nadanyiova M., Majerova J., Gajanova J. Digital Marketing as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Case Study of Slovak Republic. - C. 92-103.
  11. Azizov A. Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship Management in TourismoOf Azerbaijan: Current Trends and Priorities. - C. 104-120.
  12. Vasudevan H., Aslan I. Cosmetology Advertising Perspectives: Application of Ethical Theories During COVID-19 Crisis. - C. 121-136.
  13. Fedorko R., Skerhakova V., Markova S., Bacík R., Fejercak L. Differences in the Perceived Financial Risk Factors between Digital Natives in the E-Commerce. - C. 137-152.
  14. Jazdauskaite J., Prívarova M., Baranskaite E., Juscius V., Kelemen-Henyel N. Evaluation of the Impact of Science and Technology on the Labour Market. - C. 153-167.
  15. Koyluoglu S., Dogan M. The impact of innovation strategies on business performance: practices in high technology companies in Turkey. - C. 168-183.
  16. Khomenko L., Rosokhata A., Jasnikowski A. Analysis of Territories Marketing Activities among Small and Medium Business: A Bibliometric Analysis. - C. 184-195.
  17. Veckalne R., Tambovceva T. Innovations In Circular Economy for Sustainable Urban Development. - C. 196-209.
  18. Ozsoy T. Innovative Approach on Abusive Supervision and Subordinate' Performance. - C. 210-217.
  19. Dey S. K., Vaculcikova Z., Tuckova Z. Measuring Business Process Innovations among Tourism Enterprises in the Czech Republic: A PLS-GLM Approach. - C. 218-229.
  20. Ziming L. Management of Sports Industry: Moving to Economic Development. - C. 230-236.
  21. Reshetnikova I., Smerichevskyi S., Vovk O., Astakhov K. Assessment of Effectiveness of Modernization of Transport Enterprises in the Context of Analysis of Innovation Determinant. - C. 237-252.
  22. Вимоги до матеріалів, що публікуються у науковому журналі "Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій". - C. 253-256.
  23. Вихідні відомості.
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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