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Marketing and Management of Innovations
: sci. j..- Sumy
Marketing ì menedžment ìnnovacìj

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Ozsoy T. The Effects of Innovative Organizational Climate on Employee Job Satisfaction. - C. 9-16.
  4. Alnaser A. S., Alshaker K., Alhanatleh H. Do E-Government Services Affect Jordanian Customer Loyalty?. - C. 17-30.
  5. Louise H., Singh J. S. K., Fah B. C. Y. Innovative Activity in SMEs: Critical Success Factor to Achieve Sustainable Business Growth. - C. 31-42.
  6. Brodnanova R., Rovny P., Moroz S. Competitiveness and Innovations in Foreign Trade: A Case of Apples from Slovakia to Czechia. - C. 43-54.
  7. Baltgailis J., Simakhova A. The Technological Innovations of Fintech Companies to Ensure the Stability of the Financial System in Pandemic Times. - C. 55-65.
  8. Sevcikova R., Knoskova L. Application of Design Management Skills to Support the Use of Design in Product Innovation. - C. 66-75.
  9. Grebosz-Krawczyk M., Siuda D. The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on the TV Commercials Content in European Countries. - C. 76-85.
  10. Nastisin L., Jura A., Fedorko R., Kopor I. Gender Differences in the Perception of Motivations for Consumer’s Online Brand-Related Activities and Their Impact on Instagram. - C. 86-93.
  11. Ubreziova I., Sokil O., Lancaric D. The Innovative Approach to the Evaluation of the Social Responsible and Medium Sized Enterprises. - C. 94-109.
  12. Maris M. Management of Competitiveness in the EU Member States: The Main Strengths and Weaknesses. - C. 110-120.
  13. Zatonatska T., Hubska M., Shpyrko V. Marketing Strategies in the Banking Services Sector with the Help of Data Science. - C. 121-127.
  14. Touil A. A., Jabraoui S. An Effective Communication Strategy Based on Trust: The Key Element to Adopting a COVID-19 Contact Tracking Application. - C. 128-140.
  15. Unguren E., Kacmaz Y. Y. Innovations in Management of Hotel Employees: The Relationship Between Organizational Resilience and Work Engagement. - C. 141-150.
  16. Kolosok S., Saher L., Kovalenko Ye., Delibasic M. Renewable Energy and Energy Innovations: Examining Relationships Using Markov Switching Regression Model. - C. 151-160.
  17. Guliyev F. V. Marketing Audit in Efficiency of Marketing in the Food Industry. - C. 161-170.
  18. Raisiene A. G., Rapuano V., Raisys S. J., Lucinskaite-Sadovskiene R. Teleworking Experience of Education Professional vs. Management Staff: Challenges Following Job Innovation. - C. 171-183.
  19. Ozkan S. A., Ardic K. Business Innovation Management: A General Overview to Virtuous Leadership. - C. 184-197.
  20. Shafizada E., Aslanova N. Approaches to Model and Forecast of Azerbaijan’s Economic Growth. - C. 198-208.
  21. Zhghenti T., Gedenidze G. Sharing Economy Platforms in Georgia: Digital Trust, Loyalty and Satisfaction. - C. 209-219.
  22. Samoilikova A., Zhylinska O., Pal Z., Kuttor D. "Business-Education-Science" Coopetition and Innovation Transfer for Sustainable Development. - C. 220-230.
  23. Olearova M., Gavurova B., Bacik R. Consumer Shopping Motive Identiffication: Study of Webrooming vs. Showrooming. - C. 231-243.
  24. Ibrahimov Z., Hajiyeva S., Nazarov V., Mazanov A., Baghirov J. Quality and innovations in the Financial Reporting as a Way to Increase Attractiveness for Institutional Investors. - C. 244-254.
  25. Safarov Q., Sadiqova S., Urazayeva M. Methodological Approach to Identification of Innovative Determinants of Human Capital Management. - C. 255-267.
  26. Aliyeva A. Post-Oil Period in Azerbaijan: Economic Transformations, Anti-Inflation Policy and Innovations Management. - C. 268-283.
  27. Lehenchuk S., Tumpach M., Vyhivska I., Makarovych V., Laichuk S. The Impact of Innovation on the Profitability of Slovak Pharmaceutical Companies. - C. 284-296.
  28. Вимоги до матеріалів, що публікуються у науковому журналі "Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій". - C. .
  29. Вихідні відомості.
№ 2
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