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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж100715/2021/4(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Technology audit and production reserves
.- Харків
Technology audit and production reserves

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Strutynskyi S., Semenchuk R. Investigation of the accuracy of the manipulator of the robotic complex constructed on the basis of cycloidal transmission. - C. 6-14.
  4. Kazak I. Improvement of the extruder body design in order to increase reliability and quality of extrusion. - C. 15-19.
  5. Horobets Y. Estimation of the error of the simplified algorithm of processing of functions of deflations of deformed frames of bodies of rolling stock. - C. 20-24.
  6. Opanasyuk E., Beherskyi D., Mozharovskyi M., Vitiuk I. Research of the impact of vibration on the efficiency of dissemination of loose plant products from the motor vehicle bodies. - C. 25-30.
  7. Shlyk S., Drahobetskyi V., Shapoval A., Savielov D., Naumova E., Bondar D. Research of the stress-strain state of a workpiece under the double bending by the pulse loading. - C. 31-36.
  8. Trush V., Luk’yanenko A., Fedirko V. Study of titanium oxidation kinetics at temperature above polymorphic transformation. - C. 37-41.
  9. Kulyk M., Kvasnikov V., Kvashuk D., Beridze-Stakhovskyi A. Errors classification method for electric motor torque measurement. - C. 42-48.
  10. Adambayev D., Titlov O. Analysis of test results of a household absorption refrigerating appliance on an electric and gas source of thermal energy. - C. 49-53.
  11. Oveckiy S., Melnychenko Y., Moroz L., Yakymechko Y. Development of marine gas hydrate deposits with alternative use of the potential of the gas transport system on the example of Ukraine. - C. 54-57.
  12. Abstract and References. - C. 58-70.
№ 4(1) (60)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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