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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101252:PE/2020/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

: наук. журн..- Харків. Pedagogical Education
ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Gemachu O., Olkaba T. T. Practices and challenges of continuous assessment in colleges of teachers’ education in the west Oromia region, Ethiopia. - C. 4-15.
  4. Familiars'ka L., Kloyts L. Methodological development of educator’s information and communication mobility as adaptive ability of educational and developing e-environment self-organization. - C. 16-21.
  5. Chupakhina S. The content of primary school teachers’ training in the context of providing information and communication technologies into the inclusive educational environment. - C. 22-29.
  6. Kakadіy V., Marushchenko O., Masalіtіna O. Anti-discrimination educational program against labor migration: case of rural school. - C. 30-37.
  7. Bordiug N., Rashchenko А., Les T. Workshop as a method of training future experts in techogenic and environmental safety. - C. 38-41.
  8. Журат Ю. В., Тернавська Т. А., Фесун Г. С., Канівець Т. М. Інтерактивні методи соціально-педагогічної роботи та ефективність їх використання в діяльності ЦСССДМ. - C. 42-46.
  9. Kurish N. Criteria, indicators and levels of the readiness of teachers of natural specialties to develop the entrepreneurship competence of high school students. - C. 47-51.
  10. Mishina N., Ilchenko S., Fialkovska A. Discussion questions about the role of a lecture in the process of teaching the discipline "Propaedeutics of pediatrics" in the context of modern medical education. - C. 52-57.
  11. Asadchykh O., Dybska T. The experimental testing of blended learning methods of oral Japanese lanuage teaching aimed at future philologists. - C. 58-61.
  12. Roma O. Theoretical principles of introducing the play-based methods to teachers’ training in the system of postgraduate education. - C. 62-67.
  13. Abstract and References. - C. 68-78.
№ 3 (36)
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