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: наук. журн..- Харків. Pedagogical Education
ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Savinova N., Berehova M., Kuterzhynska K. Formation of the professional culture of future teachers-speech therapists through the use of innovative technologies. - C. 4-11.
  4. Bandrivska N. English and French vocabulary as a product of historical development. - C. 12-16.
  5. Hnezdilova K., Barjadze R. Opportunities of a personal learning environment for performing self-education activities of the future pharmacy employee. - C. 17-23.
  6. Holovin M., Holovina N. Educational example of masking textual information in a photographic signal. - C. 24-28.
  7. Asadchykh O., Kindzhybala O. Criteria for selection of educational material for the formation of future philologists’ Korean linguistic and socio-cultural competence in speaking. - C. 29-34.
  8. Mesarosh L. The role and place of the discipline "History of mathematics in the 21st century”. - C. 35-39.
  9. Shved V., Sarancha I., Omelchenko O. Wikinomics in the higher education: the need to use tools and instruments. - C. 40-46.
  10. Sidorova I. Choir ensemble issues in the process of forming professional competences of the future teacher-musician. - C. 47-51.
  11. Leshchenko T., Zhovnir M., Shevchenko O., Grinko N. The usage of quick response codes: evolution and integration in classroom activities in the context of language learning. - C. 52-58.
  12. Bhinder N., Protsenko P. Implementation of project-based learning technology within the educational process of higher military institutions. - C. 59-63.
  13. Abstract and References. - C. 64-78.
№ 4 (49)
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