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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101371/2017/1<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Public manаgement
: зб..- Київ
Publichne uriaduvannia

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Akimov O. O. Analysis of the professional activity of the civil servants of the foreign countries: aspects of personnel management. - C. 16-28.
  4. Voronin V. M. The state awards of ukraine: diplomatic dimension (the nature and content, main categories, concepts, methodology and principles of reward system). - C. 29-40.
  5. Hasymov R. A. "Digital divide” in ukraine as a problem of public administration. - C. 41-50.
  6. Govorun S. V. Efficiency of public administration by the processes of preventing of the fires on the objects of different forms of ownership. - C. 51-62.
  7. Hurkovskyy V. І., Mezentsev A. V. International experience of applying of the electronic identification of citizens as a technological basis of electronic petitions: organizational and legal aspects. - C. 63-73.
  8. Datsii O. I. Improving the formation of a system of financial control. - C. 74-83.
  9. Datsii N. V. Strategic approach to quality management enterprises marketing activities. - C. 84-92.
  10. Diegtiar O. A., Vavreniuk S. A. Mechanisms of the staffing provision in the sphere of physical culture and sports in higher education for the qualification of "bachelor”. - C. 93-101.
  11. Drahomyretska N. M. Capabilities of the ngo "ukrainian assembly of doctors of science in public administration” to innovations in ukraine. - C. 102-119.
  12. Zubchyk O. A. Competitiveness as a factor for choice of ukrainian youth receive higher education abroad. - C. 120-128.
  13. Kolisnichenko N. M. Managerial challenges of education (school) districts. - C. 129-138.
  14. Lysenko S. O. Methodological approaches to understanding the category of "enterprise information security system” from the perspective of legal hermeneutics. - C. 139-145.
  15. Parkhomenko-Kutsevil O. I. Innovative approach to training civil servants and local government officials. - C. 146-152.
  16. Polulyakh R. A. E-meditsin as a kind of relationship of state and society. - C. 153-161.
  17. Romanenko Y. O., Chaplay I. V. Analysis of the main directions of preservation and development of the territories of kyiv region. - C. 162-170.
  18. Suray I. G. Between politics and public service (State secretary of the ministry in ukraine). - C. 171-177.
  19. Titarenko L. M. Public administration in ukrainian coordinate the present. - C. 178-189.
  20. Charkina A. O. Peculiarities of functioning of administrative agencies in the public service of sweden. - C. 190-197.
  21. Chervyakova O. V. The new public administration paradigm directions. - C. 198-203.
  22. Yarovoy T. S. The formation of parliamentarism and it’s impact on the development of democracy and formation of institute of the public administration. - C. 204-215.
№ 1 (6)
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