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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101371/2017/3<.>)
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Public manаgement
: зб..- Київ
Publichne uriaduvannia

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Afonin E. A., Martynov A. Y. Archetypes of the sociopolitical conflicts: from modern to postmodern. - C. 17-32.
  4. Bielska T. V., Khasanov R. R. Functional institutional behavior of global civil society in conflict zones.. - C. 33-42.
  5. Valevskyi O. L. Institutional and psychosocial analysis of ukrainian reforms. - C. 43-52.
  6. Voronа P. V. Archetypal strategy for overcoming ideological conflict: of Israel. - C. 53-62.
  7. Haharinov O. V. The strategy of transformation of the post-soviet state system of Ukraine as a necessary condition for the resolution and prevention of social conflicts (archetypal approach). - C. 63-74.
  8. Dovgan' O. V. Understanding the text in the context of neural networks (archetypal approach). - C. 75-81.
  9. Evdokimova E. I. Archetypal approach to the study of conflict between the leader and the team. - C. 82-90.
  10. Zozulia V. O. The conflict within the concepts of needs Abraham Maslow and John Burton: archetypal analysis. - C. 91-101.
  11. Kozhemiakina O. M. Language of trust in resolving of social conflicts (archetypal approach). - C. 102-111.
  12. Kozak V. I. Formation of the archetypal paradigm of public administration in the current conflict situation in Ukraine. - C. 112-121.
  13. Коzakov V. N. Ukrainian mentality as archetypal factor of harmonization of social power relations. - C. 122-130.
  14. Kozlova L. V. Psychosociocultural preconditions for overcoming of conflict in the context of the implementation of the decentralization policy. - C. 131-139.
  15. Kotovska O. P. Social conflicts in the postmodern era and their influence on the sphere of public administration: archetypal-value approach. - C. 140-157.
  16. Lapina V. V. Over-consumption archetype globalization as a new source of social conflicts and social tension. - C. 158-166.
  17. Lashkina M. H. Communicative component of conflict in the modern world: the birth of the archetype of the selfness (Das Selbst). - C. 167-177.
  18. Yaghi M. M., Garnyk L. P. Archetypes of economic behaviour and their origins in scientific-philosophic thought of middle Eastern countries. - C. 178-193.
  19. Naplyokov Y. V. Archetypal principles as a basis for non-conflicting decision-making. - C. 194-203.
  20. Novachenko T. V. Synergetic concept of samoorhanyzation of subjects of social development: archetypal discourse. - C. 204-213.
  21. Ovchynnikova O. V. Violence as a factor of conflict in the family is an archetypal approach. - C. 214-223.
  22. Omelyanenko V. A. Archetypical analysis of modern economic conflicts in the context of national security. - C. 224-234.
  23. Plakhtiy T. O. Archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts. - C. 235-248.
  24. Ponomarenko L. V. National idea as a symbolic prerequisite of the revolutions of the 19th – 20th centuries and equifinal model of social transformation of the 21st century. - C. 249-258.
  25. Romanenko Y. A., Chaplay I. V., Hurkovskyy V. І. Theoretical and methodological identification of the concept of "marketing communications" (archetypal approach). - C. 259-266.
  26. Rybaklycheva O. Z. Archetype strategy for solving social conflicts in work with the personnel of the bodies of the internal affairs of the Republic of Belarus. - C. 267-275.
  27. Semenets-Orlova I. A. Transformation in education institutions in a context of social conflicts: upon m. Maffesoli’s concept of the "neo-tribalism" archetype. - C. 276-295.
  28. Serdechna L. V. The concept of advertising as a solution to contradiction between cocial justice and economic efficiency (archetypal approach). - C. 296-305.
  29. Sychova A. O. Political trust as a resource of cooperation between the state and society (an arhetypical approach). - C. 306-314.
  30. Siriy E. V. Social deprivation in contact and mutual condition to mental archetypal factors in the study of the nature of social tension in Ukrainian society: theoretical research. - C. 315-327.
  31. Solovyov Y. V. Value-semantic archetypes of forced migration as a basis for developing of their adaptation. - C. 328-334.
  32. Sudakov V. I. The global determinants of the conflict interactions in the contemporary models of employment (archetypical analysis). - C. 335-342.
  33. Urbanova E. P., Mayevskaya P. T., Pasnichenko V. L. Loyalty, reliabilityand resistance to corruption: psychological aspects of diagnostic options (the experience of the Czech Republic). - C. 343-352.
  34. Tsegelnik O. V. "Investment conflict": strategy and ways of the resolving of the psychological and social contradictions in the modern world. - C. 353-360.
  35. Chernoivanenko A. V. The role of political parties in origin and starting of political conflicts in Ukraine: archetypical analysis. - C. 361-370.
  36. Shkliarevsky G. L. Networks, hierarchiesand the modern global unrest. - C. 371-384.
  37. Iakushko N. A. Dialectics of leadership in terms of education in Ukraine: archetypical analysis. - C. 385-391.
  38. Yaremenko N. V., Kolomiiets N. Y. The "divine child" archetype as the matrix of overcoming the crisis of the socio-humanitarian space. - C. 392-403.
№ 3 (8)
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