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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101371/2018/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Public manаgement
: зб..- Київ
Publichne uriaduvannia

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Akimova L. N. Role and place of economic security in the system of state regulation providing for national security of Ukraine. - C. 15-28.
  4. Akimov A. А. Of prevention of professional deformation by workers of emergency rescue departments of the state service of Ukraine on emergency situations. - C. 29-42.
  5. Andrieiev V. A. Page of public workers in Ukraine: origin, concept and content. - C. 43-53.
  6. Andriyenko N. V., Hamann P. I. Analysis of existing methods in the implementation of public fire security management. - C. 54-67.
  7. Bielska T. V., Khomaiko K. O. Cooperation of authorities with international organizations as an important aspect of social and economic development of Ukraine. - C. 68-79.
  8. Bugaytsov S. G., Shoyko V. A. Improvement of mechanisms of public administration in field of fire safety as a complex national security. - C. 80-93.
  9. Vavrenyuk S. A. Ways of improving the system of training of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions. - C. 94-102.
  10. Greben S. E. Legal regulation of relations in the field of implementation of financial control, activities of higher educational institutions. - C. 103-112.
  11. Dyriv A. B. Decentralization: the main theoretical approaches to the concept. - C. 113-123.
  12. Yelinskaya V. V. Public administration as an element of decentralization of power in Ukraine: the theoretical, technological aspect and peculiarities of the introduction of public administration in Ukraine. - C. 124-137.
  13. Koval Y. S. Stress-testing of complex risks in the banking system, as an instrument of state anti-crisis management. - C. 138-148.
  14. Kolisnichenko N. N., Yatsun Y. M. Four basic methods of teaching English in a chronological order of their development: application in the system of public administration training. - C. 149-166.
  15. Lebіedіeva N. A. Use of movie as a tool of state administration for the amateur art in national patriotic public influence. - C. 167-178.
  16. Masik M. Z. Features of risk management after realizing PPP projects. - C. 179-190.
  17. Semenets-Orlova I. A. Tendencies in reforming the educational system of modern Ukraine: national and regional aspects. - C. 191-200.
  18. Terentieva A. V. Administration decision-making under the conditions of emergency. - C. 201-216.
  19. Turyk M. V. Conceptual approaches to the issue of forming parliamentary coalitions. - C. 217-227.
  20. Chaplay I. V. The orienters of development of forms of communicative influence of civil society on the public policy. - C. 228-235.
  21. Sciurba M. Analysis of the public regulation Issues in implementing mechanisms to fight money laundering: international and domestic experiences. - C. 236-243.
№ 2 (12)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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