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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101371/2019/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Public manаgement
: зб..- Київ
Publichne uriaduvannia

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Bogdanenko A. I. The public investment policy in the system of factors of economic development of Ukraine. - C. 15-24.
  4. Vavrenyuk S. A. Features of governmental regulation in the sphere of educational services of Ukraine. - C. 25-33.
  5. Vasylieva N. V., Vasylieva O. I. Public-Private Partnership as a tool for development of territories. - C. 34-44.
  6. Vorotin V. Y. Shirinova Aliya Fehruz kizi The risk management as an innovation approach in govermental management of customs procedures in guam countries. - C. 45-55.
  7. Havrylov A. V. Analysis of the risks occurring during construction. - C. 56-64.
  8. Hrebeniuk M. V. Problem issues of implementation of state policy in the field of state security. - C. 65-77.
  9. Karlash V. V. Problems of government regulation in the health of Ukraine. - C. 78-84.
  10. Karpyuk S. V. Actual theoretiko-methodological aspects of research of the phenomenon "state administration” in paradigm of development of modern public administration. - C. 85-94.
  11. Kifriak O. N. On the concept of the concept of transparency of functioning by the public authority. - C. 95-107.
  12. Kustova S. M. Main principles for regulation of public financing of political parties: experience of developed democracy countries and Ukraine. - C. 108-121.
  13. Lavruk A. V. State policy and activation of its functions in the development of animal husbandry. - C. 122-133.
  14. Lebedeva N. A. Communication of society and local government bodies in the context of public organizations’ activities. - C. 134-142.
  15. Lytvyn N. M. Problems of financial decentralization in Ukraine. - C. 143-150.
  16. Lysenko S. O. Modern trends of informational security development, as a literary objective. - C. 151-169.
  17. Malygina I. V. Features of the realization of state personnel policy in the education in Ukraine. - C. 170-185.
  18. Martyshyn D. S. The role of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in the current processes of state formation. - C. 186-197.
  19. Marusina О. S. Innovative aspects of management of modern higher education — an important basis for its successful reformation in the era of transition to informational societies. - C. 198-205.
  20. Marusheva O. A. Strategies for regulation of socioeconomic relations in construction. - C. 206-216.
  21. Naumenko K. V. Methods of public administration of civil society. - C. 217-226.
  22. Prav Y. G. Construction area as a government governance object. - C. 227-237.
  23. Prylipko S. M. History of becoming and development of cooperative movement in Ukraine at the end of XIX – at the beginning of XX centuries. - C. 238-249.
  24. Radetsky R. S. System against corruption in Ukraine: problems of interaction of subjects. - C. 250-260.
  25. Stelmakhova O. N. Media of Ukraine: problems and outlook. - C. 261-276.
  26. Chaplay I. V. State regulation of the problems of investment processes in the construction of social housing in the context of European experience. - C. 277-285.
  27. Chorna K. P. Ukrainian state Pavel Skroropadsky: peculiarities of national military autocracy. - C. 286-295.
  28. Ostrovоy A. V. Analysis of the conditions for the state policy formation to ensurekibernetic security in Ukraine. - C. 296-306.
№ 2 (17)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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