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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101371/2019/4<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Public manаgement
: зб..- Київ
Publichne uriaduvannia

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Babytska S. I. Essence and specificity of modern state cultural policy. - C. 15-25.
  4. Bogdanenko A. I. Investing in real estate of Great Britain during Brexit . - C. 26-33.
  5. Vavreniuk S. A. Improving the efficiency of public administration of the development of the system of higher education of Ukraine . - C. 34-43.
  6. Haiduchenko S. A. To the question of realization of national representation in power structures of Ukraine. - C. 44-55.
  7. Hbur Z. V., Кrylova I. I. Influence of water supply development state on the quality of economic security of Ukraine. - C. 56-77.
  8. Hrebeniuk M. V. The directions of improving the legislative framework in the sphere of supply state security in the vector — fight against organized crime. - C. 78-91.
  9. Datsii N. V. Global processes as to improve the development of the country and border regions. - C. 92-104.
  10. Dolhaleva O. V., Yeshchenko M. H. The social pillar of sustainable development. - C. 105-116.
  11. Kifriak O. N. Evolution of the docrinal and normative approaches of the European Union to the phenomenon of transparency in public administration. - C. 117-128.
  12. Lytvyn N. M. The state of territorial communities and analysis of their investment attractiveness. - C. 129-139.
  13. Logvinov V. G., Malonoga S. O. Formation of national digital infrastructure of scientific researches of Ukraine in the context of European initiatives. - C. 140-151.
  14. Marusheva O. A. Features of Legal Regulation of Socio-Economic Relations in Construction: Foreign Aspect. - C. 152-161.
  15. Kachan Y. V. Professional education and professional development as the composition of the state personnel policy of Ukraine. - C. 162-173.
  16. Moroz S. A. Evaluation of the quality of higher education by Chinese students as the basis for the usage of its experience in improving systems of management of the educational sphere of Ukraine. - C. 174-188.
  17. Onyschuk S. V., Knysh P. V. Legal aspects of the transfer of public officials. - C. 189-199.
  18. Platonov O. I. State financial support prospects for inland waterways upgrading to include the river transport in a multimodal transport system. - C. 200-210.
  19. Ponomarenko T. V. Structure of educational organization as a management object. - C. 211-221.
  20. Prav R. Y. Regulatory and legal bases for formation and implementation of the state security policy in the informational sphere. - C. 222-234.
  21. Ratynska I. S. Mechanisms of strategic management by state joint stock companies: the essence and variants. - C. 235-250.
  22. Romanenko Y. O. Electronic voting – ways to implementation of the electronic mechanisms of direct democracy in Ukraine. - C. 251-262.
  23. Sychova A. O. Tourism as a mobile way for building horizontal trust. - C. 263-274.
  24. Fedorenko T. A. Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the Mechanism of Interaction with the Public on Issues of Formation and Implementation of State Policy in the Field of Medicine. - C. 275-292.
  25. Voronin V. N., Fishchuk A. H. Tools for efficiency and performance growth of pedagogical leadership within the Primary Years Programme in Britain. - C. 293-301.
  26. Zhukova I. V., Dolgiy O. A. Theoretical-methodological and socio-practical actualization of the communication role. - C. 302-309.
  27. Yuzkova O. I. Innovation leadership as a form of professional evolution in public administration. - C. 310-321.
№ 4 (19)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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