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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж16377/2017/5<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu
: peer-reviewed j..- Dnipro
Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Petruniak V. D., Petrokushyn O. Ye., Ustenko Ye. V., Orach S. V. Methods of modeling velocity characteristics of the geological environment on the basis of the three-dimensional seismic data and well data. - C. 5-10.
  4. Cherniaiev O. V. Systematization of the hard rock non-metallic mineral deposits for improvement of their mining technologies. - C. 11-17.
  5. Lyakh M. M., Savyk V. М., Molchanov P. О. Experimental and industrial research on foamgenerating devices. - C. 17-23.
  6. Kondrat R. M., Khaidarovа L. I. Enhanced gas recovery from depleted gas fields with residual natural gas displacement by nitrogen. - C. 23-28.
  7. Vytvytskyi I. I., Seniushkovych M. V., Shatskyi I. P. Calculation of distance between elastic-rigid centralizers of casing. - C. 29-35.
  8. Falshtynskyi V. S., Dychkovskyi R. O., Saik P. B., Lozynskyi V.H., Caceres Cabana E. Formation of thermal fields by the energy-chemical complex of coal gasification. - C. 36-42.
  9. Badjoudj S., Idres A., Benselhoub A., Bounouala M. Dephosphorization of oxidized iron ore from Gara Djebilet, Tindouf (Algeria). - C. 43-49.
  10. Velychkovych A. S., Panevnyk D. O. Study of the stress state of the downhole jet pump housing. - C. 50-55.
  11. Коrоl S. О., Моrоz М. М., Коrоl S S., Serhiienko S. А. Method and device for increasing weight charging of four-stroke engine cylinders. - C. 56-61.
  12. Kostyshyn V. S., Yaremak I. I. Mathematical model of reliability and efficiency of pumping unit of an oil pumping station. - C. 62-68.
  13. Pukach P. Ya., Kuzio I. V., Nytrebych Z. M., Ilkiv V. S. Analytical methods for determining the effect of the dynamic process on the nonlinear flexural vibrations and the strength of compressed shaft. - C. 69-76.
  14. Bialobrzheskyi O., Gladyr A. Influence of distortion of load current on parameters of components of the parallel power active filter. - C. 77-85.
  15. Khatskevych Yu. V., Lutsenko I. M., Rukhlov A. V. Perspectives of load management in energy system with the help of electric vehicles. - C. 86-93.
  16. Hnatushenko V. V, Mozhovyi D. K., Vasyliev V. V. Satellite monitoring of deforestation as a result of mining. - C. 94-99.
  17. Bochkovskyi A., Sapozhnikova N., Gogunskii V. Legal and organizational issues of improving the labor protection and industrial safety level at Ukrainian enterprises. - C. 100-108.
  18. Nalisko M. M. Modification of the method of large particles in the problem of calculation of an accidental explosion in mine atmosphere. - C. 108-116.
  19. Kuznichenko V. M., Lapshyn V. I. Generalized deficit model of exchange for continuous processes with external management. - C. 117-122.
  20. Matushevska O. A., Katkova N. V. Scientific and methodical approaches to forming the mechanism for ensuring the economic sustainability of industrial enterprises. - C. 123-131.
  21. Lokhman N. V., Kornilova O. V. Developing an active investment strategy of engineering enterprises. - C. 131-136.
  22. Maslak O. I., Grishko N. Ye., Hlazunova O. O., Vorobiova K. O. Approaches to the management of the costs of innovation activity of mining enterprises: aspects of economic security. - C. 137-145.
  23. Melnyk K. V. The improvement of economic efficiency forecast evaluation methods for ore minerals mining. - C. 146-151.
  24. Romaniuk M. V., Strekal O. O. Analysis of the effectiveness of state financial control of the National joint stock company "Naftogaz of Ukraine". - C. 152-156.
  25. Kuklinova T. V. The mining enterprise development stimulation. - C. 157-162.
  26. Bazaluk O., Svyrydenko D., Terepyshchyi S. Structural-functional models of integration and reintegration of Ukrainian educational landscape. - C. 163-168.
№ 5 (161)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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