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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж16377/2023/4<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu
: peer-reviewed j..- Dnipro
Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Geology

  4. Bezruchko K. A., Prykchodchenko V. F., Prykchodchenko O. V., Hladka M. O. Predicting zones of increased water inflows in local folded structures. - C. 5-10.
  5. Rakishev B. R. Mining and geological models of virtual complex ore blocks of the bench. - C. 11-17.
  6. Abetov A. E., Uzbekov A. N. Tectonics and gravity field structure of Central Kazakhstan. - C. 18-25.
  7. Mining

  8. Mezam M. C., Bachar Assed M. A., Ould Hamou M., Narsis S., Benselhoub A. A new mining method for reopening the opencast mine of Kef Essennoun. - C. 26-32.
  9. Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing

  10. Hlukhoveria M., Mladetskyi I., Levchenko K., Borysovska O. Improving the technology of extracting coal concentrate from fly ash from thermal power plants. - C. 33-39.
  11. Us S. A., Ishchenko O. K., Koba D. V., Ishchenko K. S. Selection and justification of drilling and blasting parameters using genetic algorithms. - C. 40-47.
  12. Sobolev V. V., Holub N. V., Tereshkova O. A. Magnetic stimulation of chemical reactions in coal. - C. 48-55.
  13. Uhl A. V., Melnyk O. V., Melnyk Yu. A. Application of the stereomicrophotogrammetric method for the complex study of the Al-Cu-Mg alloys system. - C. 56-61.
  14. Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building

  15. Panchenko O. Substantiating a method for computer analysis of the stress-strain state of the tubbing erector manipulator mechanism. - C. 62-67.
  16. Tuz V. O., Lebed N. L., Kulesh N. S. Hydrodynamics of vapor-liquid flows in curvilined channels of separation devices of power plants. - C. 68-73.
  17. Hovorukha V. V., Hovorukha A. V. Improvement of the service life of mining and industrial equipment by using friction modifiers. - C. 74-81.
  18. Electrical Complexes and Systems

  19. Alrefo I. F., Matsulevych O., Vershkov O., Halko S., Suprun O., Miroshnyk O. Designing the working surfaces of rotary planetary mechanisms. - C. 82-88.
  20. Power Supply Technologies

  21. Polyanska A., Pazynich Yu., Mykhailyshyn Kh., Buketov V. Energy transition: the future of energy on the base of smart specialization. - C. 89-95.
  22. Dreshpak N. S., Dreshpak O. S. Parameterization of the statistical model for electrical energy efficiency control. - C. 96-102.
  23. Environmental Safety, Labour Protection

  24. Theyab M. A., Lafta H. K., Ismail B. M., Lafta F. S., Mohamed S. M., Rajab M. M. Soil contamination status using contamination indicators and the health risk. - C. 103-109.
  25. Tsopa V. A., Cheberiachko S. I., Yavorska O. O., Deryugin O. V., Borovytskyi О. M. Improving a process of managing dynamic occupational risks. - C. 110-117.
  26. Suleymanov G. S., Sheydai T. A., Abdullayeva N. N., Fokina-Mezentseva K. V., Bratus H. A., Mazur Yu. V. The role of the formation of the environmental management system in the improvement of international economic relations. - C. 118-123.
  27. Lozhnikov O. V., Sobko B. Yu., Pavlychenko A. V., Kirichek Yu. O. Utilization of the secondary resources of titanium-zirconium pits when constructing highways. - C. 124-129.
  28. Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration

  29. Tilemissova A., Kozachenko D., Vernyhora R., Izteleuova M., Arpabekov M. Сompetitiveness assessment of the railway network of Кazakhstan in the performance of transit container transportation. - C. 130-137.
  30. Laktionov O., Lievi L., Tretiak A., Movin M. Investigation of combined ensemble methods for diagnostics of the quality of interaction of human-machine systems. - C. 138-143.
  31. Zgalat-Lozynska L., Kryshtal H., Drinke Z., Lych V., Kulikov O., Panin Y. Impact of digital transformation on business structures. - C. 144-149.
  32. Kapeliushna T., Goloborodko A., Nesterenko S., Bezhenar I., Matviichuk B. Analysis of digitalization changes and their impact on enterprise security management under uncertainty. - C. 150-156.
  33. Economy and Management

  34. Snishchenko R. H., Hrynchutskyi V. I., Nikolchuk Yu. M., Lopatovska O. O., Krot L. M. Financial security of macro regions in the period of military aggression. - C. 157-163.
  35. Tsyhanova O. S., Katkova N. V., Murashko I. S., Hryshchenko O. V., Burunsuz K. S. Adaptation of the controlling system of the machine-building enterprise to change in strategic goals. - C. 164-172.
  36. Kundieieva H., Turchyna M., Tur O., Sheremetynska O., Yasko Yu. Impact of globalization processes on strategic planning of enterprises. - C. 173-180.
  37. Sharanov R., Vatchenko B. Features of crisis management of business entities during martial law. - C. 181-187.
№ 4 (196)
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