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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж16377/2024/1<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu
: peer-reviewed j..- Dnipro
Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu

    Повні тексти публікацій будуть доступні після 01.03.2025 р., через 165 днів

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Mining

  4. Sobko B. Yu., Lozhnikov O. V., Chebanov M. O., Kriachek V. P. Establishing the influence of the quarry depth on the indicators of cyclic flow technology during the development of non-ore deposits. - C. 5-12.
  5. Biletskiy M. T., Ratov B. T., Khomenko V. L., Borash A. R., Muratova S. K. The choice of optimal methods for the development of water wells in the conditions of the Tonirekshin field (Kazakhstan). - C. 13-19.
  6. Bahloul F., Hafsaoui A., Idres A., Boutarfa F., Kanli A. I., Benselhoub A. Influence of the rock mass structure and the blasting technique on blast results in the Heliopolis quarry. - C. 20-25.
  7. Ratov B. T., Sudakov A. K., Fedorov B. V., Ruslyakova-Kupriyanova I. A., Sundetova P. S. Improvement of the methodology for calculating the expected drilling speed with PDC chisels. - C. 26-31.
  8. Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing

  9. Solonenko L. I., Uzlov K. I., Kimstach T. V., Mianovska Ya. V., Yakymenko D. Yu. Influence of ice structure on vitability of frozen sand-water and sand-clay mixtures. - C. 32-40.
  10. Chernyavskyy M. V., Provalov O. Yu., Miroshnychenko Ye. S., Kosyachkov O. V. Scientific bases and peculiarities of conversion of CHPP anthracite boilers to sub-bituminous coal combustion. - C. 41-49.
  11. Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical

  12. Eller B., Szalai S., Sysyn M., Harrach D., Liu J., Fischer S. Advantages of using Concrete Canvas materials in railway track construction. - C. 50-57.
  13. Huschek-Juhász E., Nemeth A., Sysyn M., Baranyai G., Liu J., Fischer S. Testing the fragmentation of railway ballast material by laboratory methods using Proctor compactor. - C. 58-68.
  14. Tuz V. O., Lebed N. L., Kulesh N. S. Heat exchange under the longitudinal movement of wet steam in finning heat exchangers. - C. 69-75.
  15. Mikhno P. B., Shelkovska I. M., Kozar V. I., Kliuka O. M., Trehub Yu. Ye. Justification of geodetic monitoring methodology of the retaining walls on the example of the embankment in Kremenchuk. - C. 76-83.
  16. Electrical Complexes and Systems

  17. Sinchuk O. M., Rogoza M. V., Mykhailenko O. Yu., Kobeliatskyi D. V., Fedotov V. O. Heuristic control of power consumption by up to 1000 V electrical loads at mining enterprises. - C. 84-91.
  18. Power Supply Technologies

  19. Duyen Quang Le, Nguyen The Dzung An overview of hydrogen production via reforming from natural gas. - C. 92-99.
  20. Kryvda V., Brunetkin O., Beglov K., Markolenko T., Lutsenko I. Method of controlling the volume of combustion products at different boiler loads. - C. 100-104.
  21. Environmental Safety, Labour

  22. Sekhri A., Mahtout L., Bouzidi A., Bouzidi N., Ferfar M. Enhancement of sorption of the azoic dye (Azucryl Red) by natural and calcined hyper-aluminous kaolins. - C. 105-113.
  23. Bochkovskyi A. P. Stochastic models of work and rest schedules. - C. 114-121.
  24. Aluwong K. C., Hashim M. H. M., Ismail S., Shehu S. A. Modeling pH changes and electrical conductivity in surface water as a result of mining activities. - C. 122-129.
  25. Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration

  26. Koriashkina L. S., Dziuba S. V., Us S. A., Stanina O. D., Odnovol M. M. Two-stage problems of optimal location and distribution of the humanitarian logistics system’s structural subdivisions. - C. 130-139.
  27. Drinke Z., Mazhnyk L., Zvirgzdina R., Mokiienko T., Holovash L., Kryshtal H. Digital economy: opportunities for transformation of entepreneurial structures. - C. 140-146.
  28. Kozachenko D., Gera B., Taran I., Korobiova R., Malashkin V., Hermaniuk Yu. Improvement of the method of time rationing for assembling car groups on one track. - C. 147-153.
  29. Volchek R., Moskaliuk H., Halan L., Dancheva O. Implementation of corporate social responsibility in the context of integration with the enterprise management information system. - C. 154-161.
  30. Syamsuddin I., Syafaruddin S. Modeling arithmetic systems of elliptic curve cryptography using Microsoft Excel VBA. - C. 162-166.
  31. Melnychenko B., Khomyshyn I., Sirant M., Tsebenko S., Yesimov S. Organizational and legal principles of information security of enterprises in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. - C. 167-174.
  32. Economy and Management

  33. Babchynska О. І., Vagonova O. H., Nyzhnyk V. M., Posvalyuk O. A., Lozovskyi O. M. Gross regional product in Ukraine: two-dimensional analysis of regularities and territorial features. - C. 175-184.
  34. Levchuk K. I., Levchuk O. V., Husak L. P., Havryliuk N. M., Lozovskyi O. M. Regional features of Ukrainian higher education in wartime conditions. - C. 185-190.
  35. Polchanov A. Yu., Vyhovska N. H., Valinkevych N. V., Lytvynchuk I. V., Polchanov O. Yu. Modeling the return on investment in human capital in the IT industry of Ukraine. - C. 191-196.
  36. Iastremska O., Ivanova T., Ordukhanov T., Denysiuk O., Zinchenko M. Investment policy of construction enterprises under the conditions of marital state. - C. 197-202.
  37. Dudin V., Polehenka M., Tkalich O., Pavlychenko A., Hapich H., Roubik H. Ecological and economic assessment of the effectiveness of implementing bioenergy technologies in the conditions of post-war recovery of Ukraine. - C. 203-208.
№ 1 (199)
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