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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж24320/2021/4(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies
.- Харків
Shìdno-Êvropejsʹkij žurnal peredovih tehnologìj

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Hu Z., Vambol O., Sun S., Zeng Q. Development of a topology optimization method for the design of composite lattice ring structures. - C. 6-13.
  4. Zhortuylov O., Zhumatay G., Rzaliyev A., Abilzhanuly T., Sarsembenova O., Bekbossynov S., Abilzhanov D., Boranbayev B. Development and substantiation of parameters of the mechanism with flexible drive for the cutterbar of the mower of double knife stroke. - C. 14-25.
  5. Ruban D., Kraynyk L., Ruban H., Sosyk A., Shcherbyna A., Dudarenko O., Artyukh A. Forecasting the durability of public transport bus bodies depending on operating conditions. - C. 26-33.
  6. Pozdieiev S., Nizhnyk V., Feshchuk Y., Nekora V., Nuianzin O., Shnal T. Investigation of the influence of the configuration of the fire furnace chamber on the temperature regime during the implementation of tests for fire resistance. - C. 34-40.
  7. Brunetkin O., Maksymov M., Brunetkin V., Maksymov О., Dobrynin Y., Kuzmenko V., Gultsov P. Development of the model and the method for determining the influence of the temperature of gunpowder gases in the gun barrel for explaining visualize of free carbon at shot. - C. 41-53.
  8. Bredykhin V., Pak A., Gurskyi P., Denisenko S., Bredykhina K. Improving the mechanical-mathematical model of pneumatic vibration centrifugal fractionation of grain materials based on their density. - C. 54-60.
  9. Nanka A., Morozov I., Morozov V., Krekot M., Poliakov A., Kiralhazi I., Lohvynenko M., Ryndiaiev V., Dyakonov S., Stashkiv M. Substantiation of the presence and parameters of seed guides in the openers, which increase the quality of sowing and yield. - C. 61-75.
  10. Paliy A., Aliiev E., Paliy A., Nechyporenko O., Baidevliatova Y., Baydevliatov Y., Lazorenko A., Ukhovskyi V., Korniienko L., Sharandak P. Determining the efficiency of cleaning a milk line made from different materials from contaminants. - C. 76-85.
  11. Syamsuri, Mirzayanti Y. W., Lillahulhaq Z., Hidayat A. B. Implementation of packed column for biogas purification as fuel for motorcycle injection systems for performance improvement. - C. 86-93.
  12. Abstract and References. - C. 94-110.
№ 4(1) (112)
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