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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Економіка і регіон
.- Одеса
Ekonomìka ì regìon

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Mammadov E., Ahmadova E. The importance of high-tech production in the stability of the economy of Аzerbaijan. - C. 6-10.
  4. Chechelashvili M., Zedginidze S., Ptashchenko L. Lean manufacturing as a mechanism to reduce productivity costs. - C. 11-15.
  5. Ramazanov V. Evaluation of the efficiency of the diversification mechanism gas supply to Ukraine in the reverse direction. - C. 16-24.
  6. Pluzhnyk A. The sustainable development of modern cities in national economy system under conditions of globalization: security aspect. - C. 25-31.
  7. Mammadov E., Mekhraliyeva A. Business process management (world market trends and large players strategies). - C. 32-36.
  8. Ptashchenko L., Korniienko D. Tools for assessing of business receivables and payables. - C. 37-42.
  9. Chernysh I., Hliebova A., Yarovyi Y., Kharahirlo V. Administration of the manager's time: essence, main problems, methods of increasing efficiency. - C. 43-53.
  10. Vasiuta V., Vasiuta V., Zhytnyk O. Shadowing of entrepreneurship in Ukraine: reasons and consequences. - C. 54-60.
  11. Rybakova T., Amelina І., Marchenko O. Investment as a component of the financial mechanism of foreign economic activity regulation. - C. 61-67.
  12. Hliebova A., Olkhovyk O. A non-profit organization: essence, types and basic business processes. - C. 68-76.
  13. Mokliak M., Shumeiko Y., Safonov M. Crisis marketing: features of application and ways of reformation. - C. 77-85.
  14. Khrystenko О., Кalaida V. Theoretical aspects of enterprise image management. - C. 86-92.
  15. Hliebova A., Pyvovar V. Administration of business processes of a manufacturing enterprise. - C. 93-102.
  16. Onyshchenko S., Hlushko A., Yanko A. Role and importance of information security in a pandemic environment. - C. 103-108.
  17. Chernysh I., Dushime I. Theoretical and instrumental principles of the migration. - C. 109-115.
  18. Kulchii І., Shtepa О. Increasing the competitiveness of the modern region. - C. 116-120.
  19. Chernysh I., Herasymenko K., Sobirai D. Activity in the context of cultural and cognitive tourism as a type of international economic activities: theoretical aspects. - C. 121-127.
№ 2 (77)
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