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Computational problems of electrical engineering
: наук.-техн. журн..- Lviv

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Bienkowski P., Nichoha V., Trzaska H. Near Field EMF Metrology Development. - C. 1-5.
  4. Bobalo Yu., Klymash M., Politanskyy R. Energetical Properties of Fractal Brownian Signal with Different Hurst Indexes. - C. 6-9.
  5. Gepko I. Technical Configuration of TV White Space Devices: A Conceptual View. - C. 10-19.
  6. Glukhivskyi L. Process Modeling in Nonlinear Electric Circuits and Devices Using the Differential Harmonic Method. - C. 20-23.
  7. Jajczyk J. Optimization with the Use of the Genetic Algorithm Method and Parallel Computing. - C. 24-27.
  8. Kaczorek T. Reachability and Observability of Fractional Positive Electrical Circuits. - C. 28-36.
  9. Kasprzyk L. Analysis of Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles, Equipped with a Hybrid Energy Storage. - C. 37-40.
  10. Kopchak B. Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Method or Solving the Problems of Approximation of Electromechanical Systems’ Parts. - C. 41-44.
  11. Kovivchak Ya. Analysis of Electromagnetic Processes in a Turbogenerator with Equivalent Stator Tooth Zones at No-load. - C. 45-53.
  12. Mandziy B., Ozirkovskyy L. Analytical Reliability Model of a Redundant Repairable System with Limited Number of Restorations. - C. 54-60.
  13. Mazurkiewicz S., Walczak J. Linear Dynamical Systems of the n-th Order in Random Conditions. - C. 61-66.
  14. Meshaninov S. Electronic System of Monitoring the Patients with Cardiovascular Pathology. - C. 67-70.
  15. Nikitenko A. Technical Losses of the Recuperated Electric Energy in a DC Traction Power Supply System. - C. 71-76.
  16. Nikolayev D. An Anatomically Realistic Boundary Representation Phantom for studying VHF-UHF Radiation Effects. - C. 77-82.
  17. Noha A. Ensuring the Efficiency of Decisions, Made by Power Unit Operators at Thermal Power Plants as a Major Factor of Their Sustainable Control. - C. 83-86.
  18. Olszowiec P. Modification of Indirect Methods of Electrical Parameters Determination in Live Circuits . - C. 87-90.
  19. Pasichnyk N., Dyvak M., Pasichnyk R. Mathematical Modeling of Dynamics of Website Quality Characteristics. - C. 91-96.
  20. Polcar P., Kubát M. On Measurement of Magnetic Permeability of Ferromagnetic Fluids. - C. 97-100.
  21. Shchur I., Biletskyi Yu. Optimization of Energy-shaping Control of Port-controlled Hamiltonian System. - C. 101-106.
  22. Stakhiv P., Malyar V., Dobushovska I. Effective Algorithm of Calculating the Static Modes of Nonlinear Electromagnetic Circuits. - C. 107-112.
  23. Tikhonov A., Kazakov Yu., Shmelev A. Technology of Investigation of Asynchronous Motors with a Squirrel-cage Rotor using a Universal Parametric Generator of a Finite-element Model. - C. 113-117.
  24. Vysotska V., Chyrun L. Life Cycle Model of Commercial Content Processing in Electronic Commerce Systems. - C. 118-122.
  25. Preparation of Papers for CPEE (English). - C. 123-125.
  26. Preparation of Papers for CPEE (Ukrainian). - C. 126-128.
  27. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION – IEPS-2014. - C. 129-130.
  28. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION – CPEE-2014. - C. 131-132.
  29. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION – IWSSIP-2014. - C. 133-134.
  30. Список друкованих (електронних) періодичних видань, що входять до Переліку наукових фахових видань України. - C. 135-136.
  31. Свідоцтво про реєстрацію. - C. 137.
Vol. 3
№ 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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