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Computational problems of electrical engineering
: наук.-техн. журн..- Lviv

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Druzhynin A., Ostrovskyi I., Khoverko Yu., Khytruk I., Rogacki K. InSb Microcrystals for Sensor Electronics. - C. 1-6.
  4. Kharchyshyn B., Khai M., Moroz V. Reduction of Force Ripples in Linear Motors. - C. 7-10.
  5. Kulagin D., Andryenko P. Features of Monitoring the Traction Transmission of a Running Electrical Complex in the Event of its Deviation from the Schedule. - C. 11-16.
  6. Lupenko A., Stakhiv P. Voltage Resonant Inverter as a Power Source. - C. 17-22.
  7. Marcsa D., Kuczmann M. Schur-Complement Based Parallel Finite Element Analysis Coupled with Circuit and Mechanical Equations. - C. 23-28.
  8. Marushchak Ya., Kopchak B. Approximation Fractional Order of Differential-Integral Controllers by Integer Order Transfer Functions. - C. 29-32.
  9. Mayer D., Ulrych B., Kropík P. The Effect of an Electromagnetic Shielding on the Forces Acting Among the Conductors of Three-Phase Lines. - C. 33-38.
  10. Mykhaylenko V., Karelin S., Kunyk Ju., Chunyak Ju. Mathematical Model of a Semiconductor Converter with Eight-Zone Regulations of the Output Voltage. - C. 39-46.
  11. Myslovych M., Sysak R. Design Peculiarities of Multi-Level Systems for Technical Diagnostics of Electrical Machines. - C. 47-50.
  12. Olszowiec C., Olszowiec P. Evaluation of Variation Ranges of Electrical Parameters in Three-Phase Unearthed Networks. - C. 51-54.
  13. Shapovalov Yu., Mandziy B., Bachyk D. Tolerance Analysis and Optimization of Linear Periodically Time-Variable Circuits Based on the Frequency Symbolic Method. - C. 55-60.
  14. Shcherba M. Interrelated Processes of Local Electric Field Amplification in Solid Dielectric, Contributing to their Degradation. - C. 61-68.
  15. Shchur I., Kovalchuk A. Computer Simulation of an Autonomous Contra-Rotating Wind Turbine Taking Into Account Parameter Differences and Wind Rotor Work Conditions. - C. 69-74.
  16. Stadnyk B., Manske E., Khoma A. State and Prospects of Computerized Systems Monitoring the Topology of Surfaces, Based on White Light Interferometry. - C. 75 80.
  17. Strykhalyuk B., Shpur O., Masiuk A. Service Providing by Using a Structure Stability Algorithm in a Virtualized Data Center Based оn Cloud Technology. - C. 81-86.
  18. Tchaban V. Circuit Mathematical Models of Electric Devices. - C. 87-90.
  19. Vasetskyi Yu., Mazurenko I., Dziuba K. Conditions for Application of Asymptotic Method to Electromagnetic Field Analysis in the System of "a Current Loop – an Electroconducting Body”. - C. 91-96.
  20. Zagirnyak M., Kalinov A., Kostenko A., Nesterov I. Indirect Determination of Energy Data and Output Power of an Induction Motor. - C. 97-102.
  21. Preparation of Papers for CPEE (English). - C. I-III.
  22. Preparation of Papers for CPEE (Ukrainian). - C. IV-VI.
  23. Call for papers – ISGT-2015. - C. VII.
  24. Call for papers – ISH-2015. - C. VIII.
  25. Call for participation – APPEEC-2014. - C. IX.
  26. Call for participation – INTELECT-2014. - C. X.
  27. Список друкованих (електронних) періодичних видань, що належать до Переліку наукових фахових видань України. - C. XI-XII.
  28. Свідоцтво про реєстрацію. - C. XIII.
  29. Editor remark. - C. XIV.
Vol. 4
№ 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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