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Ukrainian food journal
.- Kyiv
Ukrainian Food Journal

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Sukmanov V., Marynin A., Dubova H., Bezusov A., Voskoboіnik V. Study of aroma formation from lipids of the fruit raw material. - C. 629-643.
  4. Boaghi E. Impact of treatment with oxidative bleaching agents on walnut (Juglans Regia L.) shell chromatic parameters. - C. 644-652.
  5. Selyutina G., Gapontseva O. Component composition of radish root essential oil. - C. 653-666.
  6. Azizi H., Hakimzadeh V., Golestani H. A. Purification of Raw Sugar Beet Juice by Electrocoagulation. - C. 667-677.
  7. Ostapenko V. Analysis on application of different grape varieties in the production of icewine. A review. - C. 678-694.
  8. Damyanova S., Mollova S., Stoyanova A., Gubenia O. Chemical composition of Salvia officinalis l. essential oil from Bulgaria. - C. 695-700.
  9. Olumide T. A., Adegoke B. H., Kehinde O. E., Bamikole O. A. Effect of processing parameters on the proximate composition and sensory characteristics of breadfruit 'elubo'. - C. 701-712.
  10. Dyakonova A., Stepanova V. Usage of the nut raw materials and chia seeds to improve fatty acid composition of the smoothies. - C. 713-723.
  11. Ukrainets A., Pasichniy V., Polumbryk M., Polumbryk M. Effect of collagen based protein isolate "Belkozine" on biological value of boiled sausages. - C. 724-731.
  12. Mank V., Tochkova O., Melnyk O., Bessarab O. Relaxation behavior of aqueous dispersion polysaccharides. - C. 732-738.
  13. Zmievskii Yu., Dziazko Yu., Myronchuk V., Rozhdestvenska L., Vilenskii A., Kornienko L. Fouling of polymer and organic-inorganic membranes during filtration of corn distillery. - C. 739-747.
  14. Dunaievska N., Chernyavskiy M., Shchudlo T. Co-combustion of solid biomass in pulverized anthracite-coal firing boilers. - C. 748-764.
  15. Zasiadko P., Priadko M. Thermocouple errors in temperature measurements and validation of СFX and FLUENT models of natural gas combustion. - C. 765-780.
  16. Korniyenko Ya., Haidai S., Liubek A., Turko S., Martynyuk O. Modelling of pulsating mode of fluidization when obtaining organic-mineral fertilizers. - C. 781-794.
  17. Abstracts. - C. 795-818.
  18. Instructions for authors. - C. 819-824.
  19. Content of Volume 5 (Year 2016). - C. 825-831.
Vol. 5
Issue 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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