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Ukrainian food journal
.- Kyiv
Ukrainian Food Journal

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Editorial. - C. 7-8.
  4. Food Technology

  5. Lukinac J., Jukic M. Influence of drying temperature on the organoleptic properties, antioxidant activity and polyphenol content in dried leaves of Allium ursinum L. subsp. ucrainicum. - C. 9-26.
  6. Dimitrov D., Nedelkovski D. Aromatic profile of Macedonian and Bulgarian red wines from local variety Vranec and hybrid variety Kaylashki Rubin. - C. 27-38.
  7. Simakhina G., Naumenko N. Biological value of proteins of cultivated mushrooms. - C. 39-51.
  8. Tkesheliadze E., Gagelidze N., Sadunishvili T., Herzig Ch. Fermentation of apple juice using selected autochthonous lactic acid bacteria. - C. 52-63.
  9. Jukic M., Nakov G., Komlenic D. K., Fumanovac S., Koljderaj A., Lukinac J. Quality assessment of sponge cake with reduced sucrose addition made from composite wheat and barley malt flour. - C. 64-77.
  10. Golea M. C., Sandru M. D., Codina G. G. Mineral composition of flours produced from modern and ancient wheat varieties cultivated in Romania. - C. 78-89.
  11. Shevchenko A., Drobot V., Galenko O. Use of pumpkin seed flour in preparation of bakery products. - C. 90-101.
  12. Zlateva D., Chochkov R., Stefanova D. Effect of Spirulina platensis and kelp biomass addition on the fatty acid composition of wheat bread. - C. 102-114.
  13. Makhviladze T., Kvartskhava G. Oenological characterisation of white wines produced from some Georgian grape varieties using Kakhetian winemaking methods. - C. 115-125.
  14. Economics and Management

  15. Marinova D., Bogueva D., Wu Ya., Guo X. China and changing food trends: A sustainability transition perspective. - C. 126-147.
  16. Processes and Equipment

  17. Hrama M., Sidletskyi V., Elperin I. Intelligent automatic control of sugar factory evaporator operation using behavior prediction subsystem. - C. 148-163.
  18. Biotechnology, Microbiology

  19. Pirog T., Stabnikov V., Antoniuk S. Application of surface-active substances produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMB Aс-5017 for post-harvest treatment of sweet cherry. - C. 164-175.
  20. Pirog T., Kliuchka I., Kliuchka L. Antimicrobial activity of a mixture of surfactants produced by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 with antifungal drugs and essential oils. - C. 176-186.
  21. Abstracts. - C. 187-198.
  22. Instructions for authors. - C. 199-208.
  23. Editorial page.
Vol. 11
Issue 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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