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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж43952/2017/4/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Journal of hydrocarbon power engineering
.- Ivano-Frankivsk

  1. Title, content.
  2. Yakym R. S., Petryna D. Yu. Increase of durability of three-cone rock bit cutters. - C. 49-53.
  3. Buketov A. V., Sapronov О. О., Leshchenko O. V., Voronenko S. V. Use of dispersive additives to ensure high indicators of physico-mechanical properties of functional polymer coatings. - C. 54-63.
  4. Buketov A. V., Amelin M. Yu., Negrutsa R. Yu., Sapronova A. V., Bezbach O. M., Voronenko S. V. Increasing the reliability of the equipment of oil and gas transportation industry due to polymeric nanocomposites. - C. 64-67.
  5. Doroshenko Ya. V., Pylypiv L. D., Poliarush К. А., Doroshenko Yu. І. The study of the stress-strain state of trunk gas pipeline sections with defects in the shape of the cross-section of the pipe. - C. 68-79.
  6. Klyun A., Karpash M., Trebulova I., Kogut G. Experience of operation of electronic database of full-text standards HAMMER in PJSC "Ukrtransgaz". - C. 80-88.
  7. Panchuk M. V., Shlapak L. S., Theremko N., Szkodo M., Kielczynski W., Kishka S. O. Study of the influence of thermal factors on the welding process of polyethylene gas pipelines. - C. 89-92.
  8. Lytvynenko I. V. The method of segmentation of stochastic cyclic signals for the problems of their processing and modeling. - C. 93-103.
Vol. 4
Iss. 2

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