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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44205/2022/6/4<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Business ethics and leadership
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Biznes etyka ta liderstvo

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Hiroko Oe, Yamaoka Y., Duda K. How to Sustain Businesses in the Post-COVID-19 Era: A Focus on Innovation, Sustainability and Leadership. - C. 1-9.
  4. Nelson Teh Song Aik Assessing the Impact of Friendly Family Practice in Reducing Employee Turnover in Malaysian Private Higher Educational Institutions. - C. 10-22.
  5. Makole K. R., Ntshangase B. A., Adewumi S. A. Coalition Governance: Unchartered Waters in South African Political Landscape. - C. 23-37.
  6. Msosa S. K. The Impact of Corporate Social Investment on Customer Loyalty in the Gaming Industry. - C. 38-48.
  7. Koibichuk V., Samoilikova A., Herasymenko V. Education and Business in Conditions of Coopetition: Bibliometrics. - C. 49-60.
  8. Ngcobo S., Mhlanga J. S. University Administrative Employees’ Perceptions of Their Offices’ Physical Environment Comfort. - C. 61-78.
  9. Boiko A., Kramarenko O., Mayboroda T. Open Research Data in the Open Science Ecosystem and Business Environment. - C. 79-91.
  10. Stavrova E. Academic Publishing: Research Leadership in the Context of Digitalization and Globalization of the Business Environment. - C. 92-99.
  11. Mathur M., Ray A. Excess COVID-19 Infections, Mortality, and Economic Development in India. - C. 100-107.
  12. Anggraeni F. S., Widarno B. Fathanah Responsive Leadership: As a Supplement in the Satellite Model. - C. 108-117.
  13. Gentle P. F. Book Review on Frank N. Pieke and Koichi Iwabuchi (2021). Global East Asia: Into the Twenty-First Century. - C. 118-120.
Vol. 6
Iss. 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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