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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44205/2023/7/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Business ethics and leadership
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Biznes etyka ta liderstvo

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Mujtaba B. G. Task and Relationship Orientation of Aspiring Leaders: A Study of Male and Female Adults in Business Education. - C. 1-12.
  4. Hadouga H. Leadership in Agriculture: Artificial Intelligence for Modelling and Forecasting Growth in the Industry. - C. 13-19.
  5. Masha A. K., Bwowe P., Nikisi E. Engagement of Educators in Private Family Business Schools: The Role of a Healthy Leadership Environment. - C. 20-39.
  6. Khuboni T. C., Msosa S. K., Ntshangase B. A. A Study of the Link Between Individual’s Biographical Variables and Propensity for Entrepreneurial Leadership. - C. 40-49.
  7. Masala P. The Minibus Taxi Industry’s Communication Strategies in Dealing with Linguistic Diversity on the Way to Business Leadership: The Case of South Africa. - C. 50-61.
  8. Sour O., Maliki S. B., Benghalem A. Modelling the Interconnection Between Technological Leadership and the Level of Use of Information and Communication Technologies. - C. 62-72.
  9. Olaniyan S. O., Adepeju M. B. Leadership of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs), Inflation and Economics Development in Nigeria (1981-2021). - C. 73-83.
  10. Fowler D. S. Ethical Implications of Deceptive Earnings Management Practices. - C. 84-96.
  11. Vijayalakshmi A., Lin M.-H., Kordrostami M. The Impact of Temperature Sensations on Donation Intentions: Exploring the Role of Need for Affiliation and Empathy. - C. 97-107.
  12. Bhowmik D. Gender Inequality in Higher Education and Research. - C. 108-119.
  13. Bouakkaz N., Ferdjallah A. The Performance and Perspective of the Ethical Leadership of the Islamic Equity-Based Crowdfunding Platform in Oman. - C. 120-129.
Vol. 7
Iss. 3
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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