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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44259/2020/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Education: Modern Discourses
: sci. j..- Kyiv
Education: Modern Discourses

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Bondar V., Bozhok O. Problems of the essence and structure of analogy as a method and result of scientific and educational cognition. - C. 6-12.
  4. Bondarenko V., Semenova A. Targets of strategic development of educational policy of Ukraine under integration into the European Educational Area: social and personal dimensions of cultural and historical integrity. - C. 13-26.
  5. Kremen V., Liashenko O., Lokshyna O. General secondary education in Ukraine in the context of education in other European countries: duration and structure. - C. 28-41.
  6. Puhovska L., Leu-Severynenko S. EU and Ukrainian innovative experience in education: the orientation point for VET of Ukraine. - C. 42-49.
  7. Lytovchenko O. Out-of school & non-formal education: Ukrainian and European dimensions. - C. 50-55.
  8. Lugovyi V., Slyusarenko O., Talanova Zh. Challenge of developing quality profile of higher education in Ukraine. - C. 57-77.
  9. Sysoieva S., Sokolova I. Academic staff development programme to enhance research competence: a case study. - C. 78-87.
  10. Saukh I., Saukh P., Mospan N. Innovative discourse of higher and professional education in the exponentional technologies and the new business environment. - C. 88-96.
  11. Osadcha K. Model of future teachers' professional training for tutoring in the information and educational environment of an institution of higher education. - C. 97-104.
  12. Machynska N., Bilyk O. Diversification of the content of education in the vocational training of future specialists. - C. 105-112.
  13. Bogush A. Preschool education in Ukraine: achievements, realities, prospects. - C. 114-120.
  14. Kamyshyn V., Milenina M. Correlation of social parameters and individual indicators of intelligence. - C. 122-130.
  15. Kulbida S. Linguistic personality in Ukrainian language education of deaf education direction. - C. 131-142.
  16. Vasiutynskyi V. Gender differences in experiencing and coping with a sense of guilt in interpersonal and intergroup relation. - C. 143-152.
  17. Lokshyna O. "Trends of school education development in the EU countries, USA and China" (2018-2020): research results of the Comparative Education Department, Institute of Pedagogy of NAES of Ukraine. - C. 154-164.
  18. Lokshyna O. Oleksandra Savchenko. Researcher, advisor, personality. In memoriam. - C. 165-167.
# 3
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