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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж67522/2016/25<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

: inter-universities scientific articles.- Оdessa

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Irkha V. I., Gorbachev V. E., Vikulin I. M. Sensor of magnetic field based on a light-emitting diode. - C. 6-11.
  4. Glushkov A. V. Relativistic theory of the negative muon Capture by an atom. - C. 12-19.
  5. Vaksman Yu. F., Nitsuk Yu. A., Korenkova A. V. Study of the impurity photoconductivity and luminescence in ZnTe: v crystals. - C. 20-25.
  6. Smirnov A. V., Buyadzhi V. V., Ignatenko A. V., Glushkov A. V., Svinarenko A. A. Spectroscopy of the complex autoionization resonances in Spectrum of beryllium. - C. 26-33.
  7. Serga I. N., Kulakli T. A., Smirnov A. V., Khetselius O. Yu., Buyadzhi V. V. Relativistic theory of spectra of usual and exotic atoms: nitrogen hyperfine transitions energies. - C. 34-39.
  8. Gevelyuk S. A., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Doycho I. K. Dependence of photoluminescence of nanoparticle ensembles of stannum (iv) complexes in silica porous matrix on concentration of saturating solution. - C. 40-47.
  9. Khetselius O. Yu., Zaichko P. A., Mansarliysky V. F., O. Antoshkina A. The hyperfine structure and oscillator strengths parameters for some heavy elements atoms and ions: review of data by relativistic many-body perturbation theory calculation. - C. 48-55.
  10. Bystryantseva A. N., Khetselius O. Yu., Dubrovskaya Yu. V., Vitavetskaya L. A., Berestenko A. G. Relativistic theory of spectra of heavy pionic atomic systems with account of strong pion-nuclear interaction effects: 93Nb, 173Yb, 181Ta, 197Au. - C. 56-61.
  11. Filevska L. M., Chebanenko A. P., Grinevych V. S., Simanovych N. S. The electrical characteristics of nanoscale sNO2 films, structured by polymers. - C. 62-67.
  12. Bunyakova Yu. Ya., Florko T. A., Glushkov A. V., Mansarliysky V. F., Prepelitsa G. P., Svinarenko A. A. Studying photokinetics of the ir laser radiation effect on mixture of the CO2-N2-H20 gases for different atmospheric models. - C. 68-72.
  13. Mansarliysky V. F. New relativistic approach to calculating the hyperfine line shift and broadening for heavy atoms in the buffer GaS. - C. 73-78.
  14. Ignatenko A. V., Kuznetsova A. A., Kvasikova A. S., Glushkov A. V., Gurskaya M. Yu. Nonlinear chaotic dynamics of atomic and molecular systems in an electromagnetic field . - C. 79-84.
  15. Prepelitsa G. P., Brusentseva S. V., Duborez A. V., Khetselius O. Yu., Bashkaryov P. G. New nonlinear analysis, chaos theory and information technology approach to studying dynamics of chain of Quantum autogenerators. - C. 85-90.
  16. Zaichko P. A. Relativistic theory of excitation and ionization of heavy alkali rydberg atoms in a black-body radiation field: new data . - C. 91-96.
  17. Bunyakova Yu. Ya., Florko T. A., Glushkov A.V., Mansarliysky V.F., Prepelitsa G.P., Svinarenko A.A. Studying photokinetics of the ir laser radiation effect on mixture of the CO2-N2-H20 gases for different atmospheric models. - C. 97-101.
  18. Brusentseva S.V., Glushkov A.V., Lepikh Ya.I., Ternovsky V.B. Nonlinear dynamics of relativistic backward-wave tube In automodulation and chaotic regime with accounting The effects waves reflection, space charge field And dissipation. - C. 102-108.
  19. Borschak V.A., Kutalova M.I., Zatovskaya N.P., Vilinskaya L.N., Karpenko A.O. Features OF volt - farad dependence OF nonideal heterojunctions barrier capacity. - C. 109-116.
  20. Florko T.A., Glushkov A.V., Ignatenko A.V., Khetselius O.Yu., Svinarenko A.A., Ternovsky V.B. Advanced laser photoionization separation scheme and technology for heavy radioactive isotopes and nuclear isomers. - C. 122-128.
  21. Ptashchenko O. O., Ptashchenko F. O., Gilmutdinova V. R. Effect of water vapors on the time-resolved surface current induced by ammonia molecules adsorption in GaAs P-N junctions. - C. 129-133.
  22. Minaeva, O.P., Simanovych N. S., Zatovskaya N. P., Karakis Y. N., Kutalova M. I., Chemeresiuk G. G. Features of luminous conductivity in The crystals treated in a corona discharge. - C. 134-143.
  23. Kvasikova A.S., Mansarliysky V.F., Kuznetsova A.A., Dubrovskaya Yu.V., Ponomarenko E.L New quantum approach to determination of the molecular spectral constants and probabilities for cooperative vibration-rotation-nuclear transitions in spectra of diatomics and the hadronic molecules. - C. 144-152.
№ 25
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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