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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж72345/2016/24<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

: зб. наук. пр..- Київ

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Gerasymchuk N. Determination of the optimal concentration level of hospitality industry enterprises for sustainable development of the tourist destination. - C. 9-18.
  4. Krakhmalova N. Evaluating the effectiveness of the use of integrated organizational structures of exhibition marketing as a factor of hotel and restaurant business development. - C. 19-28.
  5. Kravchenko V. Crisis management in the banking system. - C. 29-42.
  6. Balashova N. Professional training for registered unemployed in public employment services in terms of system transformation. - C. 43-53.
  7. Morgulets O. Ensuring the effectiveness of management decisions in higher education: methodical approaches. - C. 54-62.
  8. Nifatova O. Methodical approach to the definition of horeca brand efficiency. - C. 63-71.
  9. Pavlov V. Providing of intense textile industry enterprises development by applying creative management technologies. - C. 72-80.
  10. Vitryak T., Plysenko G. Planning of educational services in universities in the contex of branding concept. - C. 81-87.
  11. Tkachuk V. The paradigm of rural development as attractor of multifunctional integration of Ukraine into the world economy. - C. 88-99.
  12. Shkoda M. Methods effectiveness evaluation of investment projects of innovation in public-private partnership. - C. 100-114.
  13. Shcherbak V. Open innovations as a tool of restaurant business effective activity. - C. 115-127.
  14. Ganushchak-Yefimenko L. Formation of the mechanism of regional sustainable development on the basis of environmental and economic risk. - C. 128-137.
  15. Grona A. State promotion of rational consumption the economic conditions of Ukraine. - C. 138-142.
  16. Prudnіkova N. Innovative enterprise in Ukraine as basis of economic development. - C. 143-150.
  17. Verhun A. Raising of economic security of hotel and restaurant business. - C. 151-156.
  18. Dobrovol'skaya I. Government regulators of forming and market development of Ukraine and intellectual property and post–soviet space. - C. 157-170.
  19. Kulak N. Assessment of competitive investment attractiveness of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business. - C. 171-181.
  20. Shevchenko O. Modernization of quality management system of higher education institutions. - C. 182-191.
  21. Lisun Y. Risk management of integrated structures in the hotel and restaurant business. - C. 192-202.
  22. Gotra V. Organizational and economic instruments of formation and development of clusters in the regional economy. - C. 203-212.
  23. Baula A. Corporate social responsibility as a basis for development strategy. - C. 213-216.
  24. Відомості про авторів. - C. 217-219.
№ 24
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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