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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж72345/2019/1<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

: зб. наук. пр..- Київ

  1. Титул.
  2. Table of contents.
  3. Zabashta Ye. Theoretical bases of management of enterprise risks. - C. 9–21.
  4. Gryshchenko I., Ganushchak-Yefimenko L., Shcherbak V. Cluster enterprises as interactive form for implementation of business ideas with socially important population representations. - C. 22-34.
  5. Goncharenko І., Išoraitė M. Creation of an integrated open coworking center for innovation entrepreneurship in higher education institutions. - C. 35-46.
  6. Krakhmalova N., Krakhmalova T., Kozlovskij V. Modeling of the organization of interaction of participants of the management process of cluster cooperation development. - C. 47-61.
  7. Savchuk N. Assessment of cluster textile entrepreneurship efficiency. - C. 62-75.
  8. Tkachuk V., Solonenchuk I. Grounds for selection of the energy market government regulation tool. - C. 76-88.
  9. Dudorova T. Structure of logistic transportation customs complex. - C. 89-96.
  10. Dudko P. Cluster fundamentals for the development of integrated business structures. - C. 97-108.
  11. Puzyrova P. Concept of management and formation of financial potential of cluster unions. - C. 109-119.
  12. Dovbush V. Innovative technologies as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of hotel and restaurant enterprises. - C. 120-129.
  13. Grechyshkin Yu. Increasing business process results in IT-outsourcing enterprises. - C. 130-142.
  14. Nifatova O., Turcinskaite-Balciuniene A. Development of small and medium enterprises among participants of OJFs and IDPs. - C. 143-152.
  15. Shkoda M., Pečiūrienė A. Creation of interactive platform for ATO veterans of entrepreneurship training. - C. 153-168.
  16. About the Authors. - C. 169-171.
№ 1 (29)
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