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Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Adyrkhaev S. G. Optimization of physical education and sports of students with disabilities throughout the entire period of study at the university. - C. 3-8.
  4. Bilichenko E. A. Gender aspects of personal and motivational sphere of students to physical education and sport. - C. 8-15.
  5. Zuoziene I. J. Peculiarities of physical fitness and body composition of students engaged and not engaged in sports. - C. 15-20.
  6. Kiprych S. V., Donets А. V., Makhdi Omar Ali. Improvement of management by training process of boxers at a stage of direct preparation for competitions. - C. 20-25.
  7. Kulthickiy Z. I., Kurko Ya. V. Analysis of the main parameters of quality of students’ life of different specialties. - C. 25-30.
  8. Kutergin N. B., Tkachenko A. I., Kulinichev A. N. Physical perfection of students of educational institutions law enforcement by means of outdoor games. - C. 30-34.
  9. Latyshev S. V. Individualization program training in freestyle wrestling. - C. 34-38.
  10. Lisowski V. O., Mihuta І. Yu. Importance of coordination skills essential psychophysical demonstrated competencies as a military specialists. - C. 38-43.
  11. Lutsenko L. S., Bodrenkova I. A. Correlation of general and special physical training of athletes cheerleaders at the stage the specialized training base. - C. 43-50.
  12. Menshikh E. E. The peculiarities of physical development of pupils and students. - C. 50-55.
  13. Prystupa T. D. Effect of partial sports massage on blood pressure and heart rate. - C. 55-60.
  14. Ryepko O. A. Features and functionality of speed and power capabilities of elite climbers and various types of rock climbing. - C. 60-66.
  15. Sergienko Y. P., Andreianov A. M. Models of professional readiness of students of higher military schools of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. - C. 66-73.
  16. Sergienko V. N. Morphological indicators of the female students of the 17-20 age group. - C. 73-78.
  17. Soronovich I. M., Сhaikovsky E., Pilevskaya V. Features of functional support of competitive activity in sports dance given the differences prepared by partners. - C. 78-88.
  18. Tereshchenko I. A., Otsupok A. P., Krupenya S. V., Liauchuk T. M., Boloban V. N. Sensomotor coordination, theoretical and physical (motor) preparedness of first year students of higher educational institutions of physical education and sport. - C. 88-96.
  19. Giovanis V., Amoutzas K., Vasileiou E., Ramadani E., Badas E. The diet of skiers with regard to the frequency of dinners. - C. 96-103.
  20. Podstawski R., Zwolińska D., Urbańska-Gizińska R., Nowosielska-Swadźba D. The effect of learning environment factors on biological development of first year students. - C. 103-109.
  21. Submission of manuscripts. - C. 110.
№ 6
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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