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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=EJ000041/2019/6<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Chun-Chieh Kao, Yu-Jy Luo. The influence of low-performing students’ motivation on selecting courses from the perspective of the sport education model. - C. 269-278.
  4. Çinarli F. S., Kafkas M. E. The effect of somatotype characters on selected physical performance parameters. - C. 279-287.
  5. Gąsienica Walczak B. Acceptance of the sense of implementing safe fall programs for people with visual impairments or after amputation of limbs – the perspective of modern adapted physical activity. - C. 288-296.
  6. Genc H., Cigerci A. E., Sever O. Effect of 8-week core training exercises on physical and physiological parameters of female handball players. - C. 297-305.
  7. Kolokoltsev M. M., Ambartsumyan R. A., Tretyakova N. V., Jagiello W., Yermakova T. S. Integrative pedagogical technique of physical education of female students with overweight . - C. 306-312.
  8. Podrigalo O. O., Borisova O. V., Podrigalo L. V., Iermakov S. S., Romanenko V. V., Podavalenko O. V., Volodchenko O. A., Volodchenko J. O. Comparative analysis of the athletes’ functional condition in cyclic and situational sports. - C. 313-319.
  9. Vrublevskiy E. Р., Sevdalev S. V., Lashkevich S. V., Gerkusov A. S. Modelling of the competitive activities of qualified female short-distance runners, taking into account their individual characteristics. - C. 320-326.
  10. Zwierko T., Wąsik J. Exercise-induced fatigue impairs visuomotor adaptability in physical education students. - C. 327-333.
  11. Information for Authors. - C. 334.
№ 6
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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