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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=EJ000041/2020/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Physical education of students
.- Kharkiv
Physical education of students

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Aras D., Gül S., Akça F., Gülü M., Güler Ö., Bıldırcın C., Arslan E., Çetinkaya G. Four-week of local electromyostimulaiton training on fingerboard increases the isokinetic wrist strength and endurance. - C. 127-134.
  4. Cholewa C., Witkowski M., Wąsik J., Góra T. Declared and actual students’ physical activity. - C. 135-140.
  5. Erdağı K., Tüfekçi O., Yeşeri M., Yüksel M., Turgut N., Eroğlu B. A study on the determination of handgrip strength of Olympic style weightlifting athletes. - C. 141-148.
  6. Fedyakin A., Kortava Z., Fedyakina L., Zaplatina N. Effect of different training modes of strength exercises on a student’s body. - C. 149-153.
  7. Romanenko V., Podrihalo O., Podrigalo L., Iermakov S., Sotnikova-Meleshkina Z., Bobrova O. The study of functional asymmetry in students and schoolchildren practicing martial arts. - C. 154-161.
  8. Sawczyn M. Effects of a periodized functional strength training program (FST) on Functional Movement Screen (FMS) in physical education students . - C. 162-167.
  9. Soyal M., Gülfirat Ö., Pekel A. The effect of resistance training without balance exercises on static balance skill. - C. 168-173.
  10. Szwarc A., Kromke C., Stuła A., Dolański B., Sitek M. Efficiency of one-on-one play situations of Polish football players and their opponents during European Championships in relation to the playing area, current result and match. - C. 174-185.
  11. Information for Authors. - C. 186.
№ 3
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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