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CTE Workshop Proceedings
: electronic ed..- Kryvyi Rih
CTE Workshop Proceedings

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Editorial

  4. Kiv A. E., Shyshkina M. P., Semerikov S. O., Striuk A. M., Striuk M. I., Shalatska H. M. CTE 2019 – When cloud technologies ruled the education. - C. 1-59.
  5. Digital transformation of learning

  6. Moiseienko M. V., Moiseienko N. V., Kohut I. V., Kiv A. E. Digital competence of pedagogical university student: definition, structure and didactical conditions of formation. - C. 60-70.
  7. Yahupov V. V., Kyva V. Yu., Zaselskiy V. I. The methodology of development of information and communication competence in teachers of the military education system applying the distance form of learning. - C. 71-81.
  8. Kharkivska A. A., Shtefan L. V., Alsadoon M., Uchitel A. D. Technology of forming future journalists' social information competence in Iraq based on the use of a dynamic pedagogical site. - C. 82-93.
  9. Yaroshenko O. G., Samborska O. D., Kiv A. E. An integrated approach to digital training of prospective primary school teachers. - C. 94-105.
  10. Korobeinikova T. I., Volkova N. P., Kozhushko S. P., Holub D. O., Zinukova N. V., Kozhushkina T. L., Vakarchuk S. B. Google cloud services as a way to enhance learning and teaching at university. - C. 106-118.
  11. Vakaliuk T. A., Antoniuk D. S., Soloviev V. N. The state of ICT implementation in institutions of general secondary education: a case of Ukraine. - C. 119-133.
  12. Iatsyshyn A. V., Kovach V. O., Lyubchak V. O., Zuban Yu. O., Piven A. G., Sokolyuk O. M., Iatsyshyn A. V., Popov O. O., Artemchuk V. O., Shyshkina M. P. Application of augmented reality technologies for education projects preparation. - C. 134-160.
  13. Tarasov A. F., Getman I. A., Turlakova S. S., Stashkevych I. I., Kozmenko S. M. Methodical aspects of preparation of educational content on the basis of distance education platforms. - C. 161-173.
  14. Babenko V. O., Yatsenko R. M., Migunov P. D., Salem A.-B. M. MarkHub Cloud Online Editor as a modern web-based book creation tool. - C. 174-184.
  15. Ivanova H. I., Lavrentieva O. O., Eivas L. F., Zenkovych Iu. O., Uchitel A. D. The students' brainwork intensification via the computer visualization of study materials. - C. 185-209.
  16. Hlushak O. M., Semenyaka S. O., Proshkin V. V., Sapozhnykov S. V., Lytvyn O. S. The usage of digital technologies in the university training of future bachelors (having been based on the data of mathematical subjects). - C. 210-224.
  17. Symonenko S. V., Osadchyi V. V., Sysoieva S. O., Osadcha K. P., Azaryan A. A. Cloud technologies for enhancing communication of IT-professionals. - C. 225-236.
  18. Khrykov Ye. M., Kharkivska A. A., Ponomarova H. F., Uchitel A. D. Modeling the training system of masters of public service using Web 2.0. - C. 237-252.
  19. Panchenko L. F., Khomiak A. O., Pikilnyak A. V. Using Twitter in Ukrainian sociology majors training. - C. 253-263.
  20. Makhachashvili R. K., Kovpik S. I., Bakhtina A. O., Shmeltser E. O. Technology of poetry presentation via Emoji Maker platform: pedagogical function of graphic mimesis. - C. 264-280.
  21. Cloud-based Learning Environments

  22. Korotun O. V., Vakaliuk T. A., Soloviev V. N. Model of using cloud-based environment in training databases of future IT specialists. - C. 281-292.
  23. Mintii I. S. Using Learning Content Management System Moodle in Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University educational process. - C. 293-305.
  24. Abdula A. I., Baluta H. A., Kozachenko N. P., Kassim D. A. Peculiarities of using of the Moodle test tools in philosophy teaching. - C. 306-320.
  25. Pererva V. V., Lavrentieva O. O., Lakomova O. I., Zavalniuk O. S., Tolmachev S. T. The technique of the use of Virtual Learning Environment in the process of organizing the future teachers' terminological work by specialty. - C. 321-346.
  26. Voloshynov S. A., Popova H. V., Yurzhenko A. Y., Shmeltser E. O. The use of digital escape room in educational electronic environment of maritime higher education institutions. - C. 347-359.
  27. Cloud services for learning foreign language

  28. Tarasenko R. O., Amelina S. M., Azaryan A. A. Improving the content of training future translators in the aspect of studying modern CAT tools. - C. 360-375.
  29. Tarasenko R. O., Amelina S. M., Azaryan A. A. Integrated testing system of information competence components of future translators. - C. 376-391.
  30. Kazhan Yu. M., Hamaniuk V. A., Amelina S. M., Tarasenko R. O., Tolmachev S. T. The use of mobile applications and Web 2.0 interactive tools for students' German-language lexical competence improvement. - C. 392-415.
  31. Shalatska H. M., Zotova-Sadylo O. Yu., Muzyka I. O. Moodle course in teaching English language for specific purposes for masters in mechanical engineering. - C. 416-434.
  32. Cloud technologies in STEAM education

  33. Valko N. V., Kushnir N. O., Osadchyi V. V. Cloud technologies for STEM education. - C. 435-447.
  34. Shapovalov Ye. B., Shapovalov V. B., Andruszkiewicz F., Volkova N. P. Analyzing of main trends of STEM education in Ukraine using stemua.science statistics. - C. 448-461.
  35. Soroko N. V., Mykhailenko L. A., Rokoman O. G., Zaselskiy V. I. Educational electronic platforms for STEAM-oriented learning environment at general education school. - C. 462-473.
  36. Kholoshyn I. V., Bondarenko O. V., Hanchuk O. V., Varfolomyeyeva I. M. Cloud technologies as a tool of creating Earth Remote Sensing educational resources. - C. 474-486.
  37. Fedorenko E. H., Velychko V. Ye., Omelchenko S. O., Zaselskiy V. I. Learning free software using cloud services. - C. 487-499.
  38. Modlo Ye. O., Semerikov S. O., Shajda R. P., Tolmachev S. T., Markova O. M., Nechypurenko P. P., Selivanova T. V. Methods of using mobile Internet devices in the formation of the general professional component of bachelor in electromechanics competency in modeling of technical objects. - C. 500-534.
  39. Stepanyuk A. V., Mironets L. P., Olendr T. M., Tsidylo I. M., Stoliar O. B. Methodology of using mobile Internet devices in the process of biology school course studying. - C. 535-547.
  40. Shokaliuk S. V., Bohunenko Ye. Yu., Lovianova I. V., Shyshkina M. P. Technologies of distance learning for programming basics on the principles of integrated development of key competences. - C. 548-562.
  41. Bilousova L. I., Gryzun L. E., Rakusa Ju. O., Shmeltser E. O. Informatics teacher's training for design of innovative learning aids. - C. 563-577.
  42. Olefirenko N. V., Kostikova I. I., Ponomarova N. O., Lebedieva K. O., Andriievska V. M., Pikilnyak A. V. Training elementary school teachers-to-be at Computer Science lessons to evaluate e-tools. - C. 578-591.
  43. Oleksiuk V. P., Oleksiuk O. R. Methodology of teaching cloud technologies to future computer science teachers. - C. 592-608.
  44. Proskura S. L., Lytvynova S. H. The approaches to Web-based education of computer science bachelors in higher education institutions. - C. 609-625.
  45. Petrenko L. M., Varava I. P., Pikilnyak A. V. Motivation readiness of future software engineer's professional self-improvement and prospects of its formation in college cloud environment. - C. 626-647.
  46. Vlasenko K. V., Volkov S. V., Kovalenko D. A., Sitak I. V., Chumak O. O., Kostikov A. A. Web-based online course training higher school mathematics teachers. - C. 648-661.
  47. Zhylenko T. I., Martynova N. S., Shuda I. A., Chykalov Ye. A., Kuzmuk D. A. Auto Checker of Higher Mathematics – an element of mobile cloud education. - C. 662-673.
  48. Astafieva M. M., Zhyltsov O. B., Proshkin V. V., Lytvyn O. S. E-learning as a mean of forming students' mathematical competence in a research-oriented educational process. - C. 674-689.
  49. Shyshkina M. P., Marienko M. V. The use of the cloud services to support the math teachers training. - C. 690-704.
  50. Kramarenko T. H., Pylypenko O. S., Muzyka I. O. Application of GeoGebra in Stereometry teaching. - C. 705-718.
Vol. 7
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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