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Peleshenko S. 
Analysis of the current state of additive welding technologies for manufacturing volume metallic products (review) [Електронний ресурс] / S. Peleshenko, V. Korzhyk, O. Voitenko, V. Khaskin, V. Tkachuk // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. - 2017. - № 3(1). - С. 42-52. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2017_3(1)__8
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 3.274 Mb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Korzhyk V. 
Forecasting the results of hybrid laser-plasma cutting of carbon steel [Електронний ресурс] / V. Korzhyk, V. Khaskin, A. Perepychay, E. Illiashenko, S. Peleshenko // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 2(1). - С. 6-15. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2020_2(1)__2
Обгрунтовано перспективність гібридного лазерно-плазмового різання (ЛПР) металів; запропоновано конструкцію інтегрованого плазмотрона для гібридної різання та спрогнозовано результати ЛПР листових вуглецевих конструкційних сталей із використанням такого інтегрованого плазмотрона. Показано, що для мінімізації втрат лазерного випромінювання та отримання максимального проплавлення інтегрований плазмотрон доцільно компонувати за коаксіальною схемою з осьовим розташуванням лазерноного випромінювання та мінімальним нахилом неплавких електродів (одного або більше), відстань від робочого кінця яких до осі лазерного пучка повинна знаходитися в інтервалі 2 - 3 мм. Діаметр плазмоутворювального сопла повинен бути в межах 2 - 5 мм, а заглиблення фокуса під поверхню листа, що розрізається, у разі гібридного різання становити 1 - 2 мм. Для моделювання процесів лазерного, плазмового та гібридного різання застосовано програмний комплекс SYSWELD, що стало можливим завдяки врахуванню характерного для різання ефекту видалення ділянок розплавленого матеріалу в зоні різання, яке виконано шляхом заміни в ході їх розрахунку максимальної температури перегріву на початкову (20 <^>oC). Встановлено основні параметри режимів ЛПР, що надають можливість отримати мінімальний розмір ЗТВ за якості різу, яка наближається до лазерної. У цьому випадку для гібридного різання потрібно енерговкладення приблизно вдвічі менше, ніж для повітряно-плазмового. Підвищення швидкості гібридного різання за рахунок збільшення тиску і витрати робочих газів надає можливість його енерговкладанню зрівнятися з аналогічним показником газолазерного різання за більш ніж трикратного підвищення продуктивності процесу.
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Korzhyk V. 
Comparing features in metallurgical interaction when applying different techniques of arc and plasma surfacing of steel wire on titanium [Електронний ресурс] / V. Korzhyk, V. Khaskin, A. Grynyuk, O. Ganushchak, S. Peleshenko, O. Konoreva, O. Demianov, V. Shcheretskiy, N. Fialko // Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies. - 2021. - № 4(12). - С. 6-17. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2021_4(12)__3
This paper reports a study into the regularities of interphase interaction, features in the formation of intermetallic phases (IMPs), and defects when surfacing steel on titanium in four ways: P-MAG, CMT, plasma surfacing by an indirect arc with conductive wire, and PAW. A general tendency has been established in the IMP occurrence when surfacing steel on titanium by all the considered methods. It was determined that the plasma surfacing technique involving an indirect arc with conductive wire is less critical as regards the IMP formation. That makes it possible to obtain an intermetallic layer of the minimum thickness (25 - 54 <$Emu>m) in combination with the best quality in the formation of surfaced metal beads. Further minimization of the size of this layer is complicated by a critical decrease in the heat input into the metal, which gives rise to the capability of the surfaced metal to be collected in separate droplets. The formation of TiFe2, TiFe, and the <$Ealpha>-Fe phase enriched with titanium in different percentage compositions has been observed in the transition zone of steel surfacing on titanium under different techniques and modes of surfacing. The study has shown the possibility of formation, in addition to the phases of TiFe2 and TiFe, the Ti2Fe phase at low heat input. The technique of plasma surfacing by an indirect arc with conductive wire minimizes the thermal effect on the base metal. When it is used at the border of the transition of the layer of steel surfaced on titanium, the phase composition and structure of the layers in some cases approach the composition and structure of the transition zone of the original bimetallic sheet "titanium-steel" manufactured by rolling. A layer up to 5 <$Emu>m thick is formed from the <$Ebeta> phase with an iron concentration of 44,65 % by weight and an intermetallic layer up to 0,2 - 0,4 <$Emu>m thick, close in composition to the TiFe phase. The next step in minimizing the IMP formation might involve the introduction of a barrier layer between titanium and steel.This paper considers a possibility to obtain high-quality butt junctions of bimetallic sheets from steel clad with a layer of titanium, with the use of barrier layers. The task that was tackled related to preventing the formation of Ti - Fe intermetallic phases (IMPs) between the steel and titanium layer. The barrier layers (height ~ 0,5 mm) of vanadium and copper alloys were surfaced by arc techniques while minimizing the level of thermal influence on the base metal. To this end, plasma surfacing with a current-driving wire and pulsed MAG surfacing were used. The obtained samples were examined by methods of metallography, X-ray spectral microanalysis, durometric analysis. It has been established that when a layer of vanadium is plated on the surface of titanium, a defect-free structure of variable composition (53,87 - 65,67) wt % Ti with (33,93 - 45,54) wt % V is formed without IMPs. The subsequent surfacing of steel on a layer of vanadium leads to the formation of eutectics (hardness up to 5,523 MPa) in the fusion zone, as well as to the evolution of cracks. To prevent the formation of IMPs, a layer of bronze CuBe2 was deposited on the surface of vanadium. The formed layer contributed to the formation of a grid of hot cracks. In the titanium-vanadium-copper transition zones (0,1 - 0,2 mm wide), a fragile phase was observed. To eliminate this drawback, the bronze CuBe2 was replaced with bronze CuSi3Mn1; a defect-free junction was obtained. When using a barrier layer with CuSi3Mn1, a defect-free junction was obtained (10 - 30 % Ti; 18 - 50 % Fe; 5 - 25 % Cu). The study reported here makes it possible to recommend CuSi3Mn1 as a barrier layer for welding bimetallic sheets "steel-titanium". One of the applications of the research results could be welding of longitudinally welded pipes of main oil and gas pipelines formed from bimetallic sheets of steel clad with titanium.
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Korzhyk V. 
Comparing features in metallurgical interaction when applying different techniques of arc and plasma surfacing of steel wire on titanium [Електронний ресурс] / V. Korzhyk, V. Khaskin, A. Grynyuk, O. Ganushchak, V. Shcheretskiy, S. Peleshenko, O. Konoreva, O. Demianov, N. Fialko, V. Kvasnytskyi // Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies. - 2021. - № 5(12). - С. 69-82. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2021_5(12)__9
This paper reports a study into the regularities of interphase interaction, features in the formation of intermetallic phases (IMPs), and defects when surfacing steel on titanium in four ways: P-MAG, CMT, plasma surfacing by an indirect arc with conductive wire, and PAW. A general tendency has been established in the IMP occurrence when surfacing steel on titanium by all the considered methods. It was determined that the plasma surfacing technique involving an indirect arc with conductive wire is less critical as regards the IMP formation. That makes it possible to obtain an intermetallic layer of the minimum thickness (25 - 54 <$Emu>m) in combination with the best quality in the formation of surfaced metal beads. Further minimization of the size of this layer is complicated by a critical decrease in the heat input into the metal, which gives rise to the capability of the surfaced metal to be collected in separate droplets. The formation of TiFe2, TiFe, and the <$Ealpha>-Fe phase enriched with titanium in different percentage compositions has been observed in the transition zone of steel surfacing on titanium under different techniques and modes of surfacing. The study has shown the possibility of formation, in addition to the phases of TiFe2 and TiFe, the Ti2Fe phase at low heat input. The technique of plasma surfacing by an indirect arc with conductive wire minimizes the thermal effect on the base metal. When it is used at the border of the transition of the layer of steel surfaced on titanium, the phase composition and structure of the layers in some cases approach the composition and structure of the transition zone of the original bimetallic sheet "titanium-steel" manufactured by rolling. A layer up to 5 <$Emu>m thick is formed from the <$Ebeta> phase with an iron concentration of 44,65 % by weight and an intermetallic layer up to 0,2 - 0,4 <$Emu>m thick, close in composition to the TiFe phase. The next step in minimizing the IMP formation might involve the introduction of a barrier layer between titanium and steel.This paper considers a possibility to obtain high-quality butt junctions of bimetallic sheets from steel clad with a layer of titanium, with the use of barrier layers. The task that was tackled related to preventing the formation of Ti - Fe intermetallic phases (IMPs) between the steel and titanium layer. The barrier layers (height ~ 0,5 mm) of vanadium and copper alloys were surfaced by arc techniques while minimizing the level of thermal influence on the base metal. To this end, plasma surfacing with a current-driving wire and pulsed MAG surfacing were used. The obtained samples were examined by methods of metallography, X-ray spectral microanalysis, durometric analysis. It has been established that when a layer of vanadium is plated on the surface of titanium, a defect-free structure of variable composition (53,87 - 65,67) wt % Ti with (33,93 - 45,54) wt % V is formed without IMPs. The subsequent surfacing of steel on a layer of vanadium leads to the formation of eutectics (hardness up to 5,523 MPa) in the fusion zone, as well as to the evolution of cracks. To prevent the formation of IMPs, a layer of bronze CuBe2 was deposited on the surface of vanadium. The formed layer contributed to the formation of a grid of hot cracks. In the titanium-vanadium-copper transition zones (0,1 - 0,2 mm wide), a fragile phase was observed. To eliminate this drawback, the bronze CuBe2 was replaced with bronze CuSi3Mn1; a defect-free junction was obtained. When using a barrier layer with CuSi3Mn1, a defect-free junction was obtained (10 - 30 % Ti; 18 - 50 % Fe; 5 - 25 % Cu). The study reported here makes it possible to recommend CuSi3Mn1 as a barrier layer for welding bimetallic sheets "steel-titanium". One of the applications of the research results could be welding of longitudinally welded pipes of main oil and gas pipelines formed from bimetallic sheets of steel clad with titanium.
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Korzhyk V. 
Comparison of the features of the formation of joints of aluminum alloy 7075 (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu) by laser, microplasma, and laser-microplasma welding [Електронний ресурс] / V. Korzhyk, V. Khaskin, A. Grynyuk, S. Peleshenko, V. Kvasnytskyi, N. Fialko, O. Berdnikova, Y. Illiashenko, V. Shcheretskiy, Y. Yao // Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies. - 2022. - № 1(12). - С. 38-47. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2022_1(12)__7
This paper reports a study into features of the formation of structures of permanent butt joints of plates with a thickness of 1,5 mm made from the high-strength aluminum alloy 7075 of the Al - Zn - Mg - Cu system. Welding by melting these joints was performed using three techniques: laser, microplasma, and hybrid laser-microplasma. To implement the latter two, a compressed arc on a multipolar asymmetric current was used. The purpose of the research was to establish the tendency to the formation of characteristic defects and the possibility of their elimination. It has been determined that during laser welding a small (~ 5 %) volumetric fraction of defects in the form of pores is formed, residual welding deformations are minimized. There is a decrease in the hardness of the melted metal by 15 % with a simultaneous increase in the hardness of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) by 8 - 12 % relative to the base metal. In the melted metal, cavities up to 100 <$Emu>m in size are formed, which are the center of the origin of hot cracks with a length of 25 - 30 <$Emu>m. There are oxide inclusions in the root part of the seam. With microplasma welding, the volume fraction of defects of the melted metal in the form of pores with a size of 10 - 105 <$Emu>m increases (up to 25 %). The hardness of the melted metal is reduced by 30 % with the hardness of the HAZ metal close to the base metal. In laser-microplasma welding, the volumetric fraction of defects of the melted metal in the form of pores with a size of 15 - 25 <$Emu>m is reduced to 5 %. The hardness of the melted metal is reduced by 15 - 20 % with the hardness of the HAZ metal close to the base metal. In the lower part of the melted metal, cavities of ~ 100 <$Emu>m are formed. No microcracks were found in the seam metal. Analysis of the research results showed the advantage of the laser-microplasma technique. This method reduces the use of laser energy by 40 - 50 %, the lifetime of the welding pool (0,03 - 0,05 s) approaches laser welding, it eliminates the danger of burnout of alloying elements.
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Korzhyk V. 
Calculation-experimental procedure for determining welding deformations and stresses based on a digital image correlation method [Електронний ресурс] / V. Korzhyk, V. Khaskin, V. Savitsky, I. Klochkov, V. Kvasnytskyi, A. Perepichay, S. Peleshenko, A. Grinyuk, A. Aloshyn, O. Shutkevych // Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies. - 2022. - № 5(1). - С. 44-52. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2022_5(1)__7
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Korzhyk V. 
Effect of the technological parameters of plasma-arc spraying of flux-cored wire on the structure and properties of intermetallide coatings based on Fe3Al [Електронний ресурс] / V. Korzhyk, O. Burlachenko, D. Strohonov, N. Fialko, M. Kharlamov, O. Grishchenko, S. Peleshenko // Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies. - 2023. - № 1(12). - С. 6–15. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2023_1(12)__3
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 2.252 Mb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Korzhyk V. 
Technological processes of welding high precision thin-walled products from aluminum alloys using a laser heating source [Електронний ресурс] / V. Korzhyk, S. Peleshenko, V. Kvasnytskyi, V. Khaskin, Ye. Illyashenko, A. Aloshyn, A. Aloshyn // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука" . - 2022. - № 12. - С. 47-53. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/mnj_2022_12_9
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 466.663 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Korzhyk V. 
Features of structure formation when surfacing steel (iron) on titanium with plasma sprayed coatings in the technology of obtaining butt joint of bimetallic plates "titanium – steel" [Електронний ресурс] / V. Korzhyk, V. Khaskin, O. Ganushchak, D. Strohonov, Y. Illiashenko, N. Fialko, C. Guo, A. Grynyuk, S. Peleshenko, A. Aloshyn // Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies. - 2023. - № 2(12). - С. 6–16. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2023_2(12)__3
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 980.844 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування

Shcheretskyi V. O. 
The Specific Features of Manufacturing Corrosion-Resistant Fluorophlogopite Products by Electric Arc Melting with the Use of Carbide Powder Modifiers in Conditions of SmallScale Production [Електронний ресурс] / V. O. Shcheretskyi, A. H. Maliavin, O. A. Shche-Retskiy, V. M. Korzhyk, S. I. Peleshenko, A. A. Aloshyn // Science and innovation. - 2023. - Vol. 19, № 3. - С. 82-93. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/scinsinna_2023_19_3_9
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 450.263 Kb    Зміст випуску     Цитування
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