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Bukatov A. A. 
The telecommunication environment of the Rostov State University's educational high performance computing center / A. A. Bukatov // Искусств. интеллект. - 2001. - № 3. - С. 193-198. - Библиогр.: 1 назв. - англ.

This paper describes the infrastructure of the telecommunication network providing remote access to parallel computer systems of the Educational High Performance Computing Center (EHPCC) of the Rostov State University (RSU), Russia. First of all, the structure of heterogeneous conputational network of the EHPCC is discussed. Then the architectures of the Campus Area, and the Metropolitan Area high and very high bandwidth Backbone Networks are described. Finally the Region Area telecommunication infrastructure and the way of providing access to parallel computing resources of the RSU EHPCC for educational and research organizations from other regions of Russia are observed.

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