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Коваль Ю. Н. 
Мартенситное превращение в сплавах на основе NiAIRe / Ю. Н. Коваль, Г. Е. Монастырский, В. В. Односум // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. - 2001. - 23, спец. вып. - С. 69-74. - Библиогр.: 11 назв. - рус.

An attempt to develop a new type of shape memory alloys based on the Ni - Al system has been made through macroalloying. Additions up to 5 at. % Re to the binary Ni- Al alloy with 65 at. % Ni and 30 at. % Al results in formation of Ni3Al (L12), NiAl (B2), NiAl (L10), Ni5Al3, Re. The microstructure of these alloys was examined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, high temperature differential calorimeter. The results reveal that two phases NiAl (B2), Ni3Al (L12) and pure Re exist in the Ni - Al alloys with small additions of Re. Some evidence that Ni5Al3 presents in the alloys was found too. It seems that Re is not dissolved in the matrix NiAl. The Ni - Al - Re system exhibits martensite transformation in the temperature range -17 to 134 <$E symbol Р >С. Alloys demonstrate good shape memory effect which was not deteriorated by edditions of Re. There are some evidences that alloying by Re improve the low temperature ductility of the Ni - Al base alloys. Both these facts allow us to expect that these alloys could found wide industrial application as high temperature shape memory alloys.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К232.204.3


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