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Litovchenko P. G. 
Effect of high-temperature treatment on the processes of oxygen precipitation and magnetic properties of monocrystalline Si irradiated by neutrons / P. G. Litovchenko, O. P. Litovchenko, Yu. V. Pavlovsky, V. M. Tsmots, V. V. Petrenko, V. V. Lishniansky // Фотоэлектроника: Межвед. науч. сб. - 2004. - Вып. 13. - С. 95-97. - Библиогр.: 4 назв. - англ.

The impact of irradiation by fast neutrons with a subsequent thermal treatment at 800 <$E symbol Р>C (in the time interval - to 180 hrs.) on oxygen precipitation and magnetic properties of bulk silicon has been researched by the methods of infrared spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility. It has been found that irradiation by fast neutrons led to decrease in concentration of interstitial oxygen and to creation of paramagnetic centres. With increase of irradiation dose, oxygen concentration decreases and concentration of paramagnetic centres increases. Besides, the increase of irradiation dose leads to non-linearity of magnetic susceptibility dependence on intensity of magnetic field. The impact of high-temperature treatment at 800 <$E symbol Р>C on oxygen precipitation in silicon irradiated by fast neutrons and on its magnetic properties is divided in two time intervals: 1) <$E 0~-~symbol Ы~3> hrs., 2) <$E symbol Ы~3~-~180> hrs. In the first time interval (<$E 0~-~symbol Ы~3> hrs), increase of oxygen concentration and decrease of paramagnetic centres are observed. In the second time interval (<$E symbol Ы~3~-~180> hrs), decrease of oxygen concentration and increase of paramagnetic centres are observed. At the time of thermal treatment of 160 - 180 hrs this dependence reaches saturation.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.2


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