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Цзян Ю. Н. 
Магниторезистивные осцилляции в двусвязном SFS-интерферометре с ферромагнитным сегментом длиной, превышающей тепловую длину когерентности / Ю. Н. Цзян, О. Г. Шевченко // Физика низ. температур. - 2007. - 33, № 12. - С. 1359-1364. - Библиогр.: 13 назв. - рус.

Conductance of macroscopic-in-length ferromagnetic nickel samples between the F/S interfaces closed by a superconductor (indium) has been investigated in a SNS system configuration corresponding to the "Andreev interferometer" (AI) geometry. The macroscopic sizes of the system allows us to measure directly the conductance of each element of the branching AI circuit and to meet the requirement for minimum contribution due to side effects resembling the proximity effect. hc/2e resistive oscillations in magnetic field (the Aaronov - Bohm effect in disordered conductors) were observed for the first time, for the lengths of the ferromagnet parts segments <$E 10 sup 3> times larger than the typical mesoscopic scale (~ 1 <$E mu>m). The oscillation amplitude corresponds to the positive interference excess resistance of the region adjacent to the F/S interface. The thickness of the region is of the order of the coherence length for undergap excitations under the Andreev reflection in an exchange field of typical ferromagnet materials (~ 1 nm).

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В343.41


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